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== '''The Bloody Maw''' ==
== '''The Bloody Maw''' ==
[[File:Bloody_maw_small.png|left|frame|Symbol of the Bloody Maw]]
[[File:Bloody_maw_small.png|left|frame|Symbol of the Bloody Maw]]
[[File:Thinkinboutstuff.jpg|right|frame|Thinkin' 'bout gnoll stuff]]
[[File:Thinkinboutstuff.jpg|270px|thumb|right|Thinkin' 'bout gnoll stuff]]
It all start simple enough: with clan of striped gnoll called the, “Bloody Maw.”  Me can’t tell you the whole story because me not know whole story, but me try and relate what me know.  Bloody Maw got name because its member always have bloody maw from enemy and prey.  Bloody Maw known for seeking thrill, fight, and blood.  For long time, though, they too small to be threat to other clans or nearby pinkies, partly due to size and partly due to making home in mountain.  This not always the case, though.  There was once, “golden era,” when rule by circle of matriarch (and lots of f***ing) cause clan to swell in size.  Clan get so big during this time, in fact, that many start to eye pinky settlement at base of mountain range both for fun and to make room for more gnoll.
It all start simple enough: with clan of striped gnoll called the, “Bloody Maw.”  Me can’t tell you the whole story because me not know whole story, but me try and relate what me know.  Bloody Maw got name because its member always have bloody maw from enemy and prey.  Bloody Maw known for seeking thrill, fight, and blood.  For long time, though, they too small to be threat to other clans or nearby pinkies, partly due to size and partly due to making home in mountain.  This not always the case, though.  There was once, “golden era,” when rule by circle of matriarch (and lots of f***ing) cause clan to swell in size.  Clan get so big during this time, in fact, that many start to eye pinky settlement at base of mountain range both for fun and to make room for more gnoll.

Revision as of 18:40, 23 December 2015


Quick Facts

Bite ya leg off!
Drawn Quinn, by Raxis
  • Fighter Name - Quinn (the Gnoll), a.k.a. Gnarlhyde
  • Common Name - Quinn Reynard
  • Race - Striped Gnoll
  • Started Fighting - March 28th, 2014
  • Current Location - Southern California
  • Realm - Andúril, among other SoCal realms
  • Unit - Horde (Feral, Ash Coast)
  • House - Valkyries
  • Fighting Style - Red weapons of Every Shape and Size (glaive, min-red, great sword, etc)
  • Events Attended - BFTR VII (2015), The Battle of Andor a.k.a. TBA VII (2015), Anduril Spring Finale IV: Uprising of Weathertop (2015), Sword Coast V (2015), Chaos Wars XIX (2015), War of Wrath a.k.a. WoW IV (2015), Harvest Massacre VI (2015), Battle For Blackwater, a.k.a. BBW (2015)
  • Notable "Accomplishments" - Winner of the Alpha-Omega Tournament, Chaos Wars XIX; Injured Knee By Walking at WoW IV (thanks, body); mentioned / photographed in an OC Register Article about Belegarth

Quotes / Fun Facts

  • "Bite ya leg off!"
  • If you hear raucous laughter, Quinn is likely not far off.
  • Host of "10 Rounds w/ Quinn," the foam fighting talk show.

The Bloody Maw

Symbol of the Bloody Maw
Thinkin' 'bout gnoll stuff

It all start simple enough: with clan of striped gnoll called the, “Bloody Maw.” Me can’t tell you the whole story because me not know whole story, but me try and relate what me know. Bloody Maw got name because its member always have bloody maw from enemy and prey. Bloody Maw known for seeking thrill, fight, and blood. For long time, though, they too small to be threat to other clans or nearby pinkies, partly due to size and partly due to making home in mountain. This not always the case, though. There was once, “golden era,” when rule by circle of matriarch (and lots of f***ing) cause clan to swell in size. Clan get so big during this time, in fact, that many start to eye pinky settlement at base of mountain range both for fun and to make room for more gnoll.

Decision to attack split circle of matriarch [i.e. the leadership]. Hawkish member of circle want to launch immediate assault. They say this prevent further build-up of pinky strength and that clan deserve, or even need more space. More cautious member want to wait until winter pass. They say this allow snows to melt, making attack easier. Plus, it give more time to solidify relation with nearby gnoll clan to west and ensure pinky destruction. In end, those who cannot wait have their way. Clan always ready for battle, so in few day, strongest member of clan attack pinkie village. Then, everything in village run red with blood. Though half of village is slaughtered, platoon of Chaos Guard stationed in village kill all gnoll who attack. This lead to end of golden era, as gnoll clan to west too far away to come to aid (especially due to weather). Situation further enflame by local baron, who send small army to pinkie town to support Chaos Guard. Me find out much later his mother kill by gnoll, but still, hammer fall on Bloody Maw.

Pinkie town not let attack go unanswered. They take heart in gnoll defeat, and soon make way up mountain to kill all gnoll on sight. Bloody Maw survive only because of whiteout that hinder pinky movement, their knowledge of mountain range, and leadership of Big Momma. When Bloody Maw scout report invasion party dead and pinky army advancing on home, most want to meet pinky head-on. Big Momma, realizing that best fighter already dead, use her rank as acting matriarch and unusually large size and strength to force a retreat by remaining gnoll. She swear revenge, of course, but she see escape and surviving winter with shattered clan as most important.

In aftermath of battle and escape, clan begin infighting. With so many enemy marked for death, from Chaos Guard (hated by all) to other gnoll clan (hated by some for not assisting), many in clan feud on who to attack first. In response, Big Momma uses power vacuum to seize total control of clan. She use fear tactic to keep clan in line, never waiting to clobber nay-sayer. Maybe outsider say this not best way, but it her way. It keep clan together and elude pinky attack long enough to allow breeding to resume. This bring up new problem, though. Big Momma bigger than all remaining male gnoll. Plus, she spot scout from gnoll clan to west in Bloody Maw territory when she on a hunt for food. She assume this mean attack coming soon, especially since scout no bring supply or try to meet with Bloody Maw. She see few option. She cannot easily repel invader since number still so small. Thus, she decide mating best way to ease tension.

Big Momma journey west with small envoy. She bring elk meat to other clan to show good intent, and propose friendly competition: she spend night with whoever can beat her in wrestling match. Most try, and are easily defeated. After last one comes close but still does not win, Big Momma shrug and say, “make due,” picking strongest male. Some time later, healthy pair of pup be born. Problem be, wave of anger directed at pups, especially from male of Bloody Maw. At first male tease pup. Then they beat. Most try to cover it up and say, “it to toughen you up, all go through this,” but not all so subtle. Eventually, one pup disappear in the night. The other leave soon after, when she claw out eye of would-be attacker. In response, Big Momma swear revenge in blood, but that story for different time.

The Circle of the Matriarch

Me kept this info in brain for long time and want to get it out. This how Bloody Maw get run: through the Circle. It go like this:

There be gnoll who watch on outermost circle. They not allowed to speak, for many reason. Some too young, but still want to learn. Some have not completed trial to move up. Some fall from grace because they weak, or coward, or hurt clan. In end, the gnoll who watch must learn (or re-learn) way of circle. They must watch for intruder, to make sure meeting stay private. Also, they watch to make sure no one try something underpaw, like use poison to move up in rank.

There be gnoll in outer circle. They can say more than those who watch, but less than inner circle. They have this right because they pass some trial, or they do something that help clan. For example, Frostmane hunt and kill giant boar in dead of winter. We not too low on food, but it always nice to have taste of fresh meat.

There be gnoll in inner circle. They can say most, but not all do. They have most political weight because they do something amazing for clan. One member, Iron Claw, protect entire litter of pups from dire wolf pack that attack while she teach pup to hunt. Many in circle owe life to her.

Last, and in center of circle, is matriarch. She most powerful, and has final say on all clan matter. Matriarch must be pick from inner circle every so often. Whoever perform biggest feat or display best leadership get title. Every so often, more than one gnoll must fight for title. When this happen, brawl is always bloody but almost never lethal, as killing member of Bloody Maw inner circle is grave crime against clan met with exile or execution.

Origin Story (In Her Own Words)

In beginning, Big Mamma on top. She strong, smart, take no guff. Most of clan love Big Mamma. Big Mamma love ‘em back, but male of clan be weak. She want someone stronger for lovin’, so she leave with pack of auntie to find mate. Big Mamma travel for three day to meet with nearby clan. She announce to clan: “whoever beat me in wrestling match get to spend night with me.” All of clan try to win, because Big Momma peak of gnoll beauty. She big, strong, and use brain pretty well, too. Well, problem is that no one beat her. Eventually, she just pick gnoll that came closest. Though he no win, Big Mamma shrug and say, “make do with this.” Then Big Mamma be Biggest Mamma. ‘Dis be my part. She say me be cutest cub. Me believe her. Many no agree with Big Mamma, but she be my Mamma so me go with her. It never be easy. Some use more than words. Some want blood.

Me almost make collar when ugliest male come for my head. He no succeed (asshole). Me take his eye, and his scream bring entire clan to me. They say me betray clan, say girl must go. Big Mamma slam her paw down, can’t calm da clan. They say, “what good be gnoll that not be from tribe?” Then, me leave. Me say, “come with me Mamma, world be big and we find our way.” She say back, “No, Little Cub. Big Mamma stay here to teach fool clan lesson in blood.” Me hold sadness in heart, but me nod. When me leave, she say, “Find your sister. She not been seen here for too many moon. Find her and stay together and you be OK.” Me no find sister yet, but me still look. My body fight better, though. Maybe one day me make own clan and be Big Mamma, too. Or maybe me find clan with open arms. No matter what, me look.

More Lore

Though Quinn is kept quite busy by her academic and professional pursuits, she still finds time to write lore. A repository of said lore can be seen here.

YouTube Channel

If you are desperate for some high-res but low quality fighting videos, look no further than my YouTube channel, here.

OMG, Circle Trials

As wanderer, me not spend much time in circle. This not stop me from learning all eye can see and hearing all ear can hear from other member. This also include lesson Big Momma teach before me leave clan. In honor of her, and to be gnoll worthy of her strength, me work on trial from clan.

Watcher Level

  • Give friend blade, so they make other bleed. (Make or donate a weapon to your local realm.)
  • Watch fight, so you better know death. (Herald a full practice or 1/2 day at an event.)
  • It good to have friend in fight, so have many. (Recruit a new fighter to your local realm.)
  • If they close to grave, end suffering. (Kill at least 5 limbed opponents over a day of fighting; it's OK if you also took the first limb.)
  • Beat enemy with own weapon to show strength. (Kill 5 opponents with the same weapon set over a day of fighting.)
  • Take what you need, the dead no mind. (Pick up a fallen enemy's weapon and earn at least one kill. Do this 5 times over the course of a practice.)

Outer Circle Level

  • You can never have enough blade, you know. (Make or donate 3 weapons to your local realm, not counting those donated from the previous level.)
  • Watch fight closer, and don't forget to learn. (Herald 3 practices, or 1.5 days at an event.)
  • Never hurt to have more friend, you know. (Recruit 3 new fighters to your local realm, not counting those recruited from the previous level.)
  • If you give up, you die. (Win a 1v15 w/ infinite respawns. Enemies retain wounds + broken equipment, and you are allowed any weapon set.)
  • If you have a pack, use it. (At the end of a round of fighting, have your team win by a margin of 2:1. Do this 5 times over the course of a practice.)

Inner Circle Level

  • See, now you have armory! Go stab enemy! (Make or donate 5 weapons to your local realm, not counting those donated from the previous level.)
  • Hmm, maybe now you understand how other use sword, and how you can use it, too? (Herald 5 practices, or a full camping event.)
  • Hah! You practically have own pack! (Recruit 5 new fighters to your local realm, not counting those recruited from the previous level.)
  • Rise! When enemy no expect, rise and kill! (Survive to the end of a field fight. Win when you are outnumbered at least 2:1. Repeat 5 times over the course of a practice.)
  • Even if practically unarmed, you fight, you live, and you win. (Win a 1v25 w/ infinite respawns. Enemies retain wounds + broken equipment, single blue only.)
  • The other clan and pinky must know you. (Win a 1v1 tournament at a regional level.)
  • The other clan and pinky must fear your power. (Win a regional tournament with a team of 4 or more, i.e. 4-man, 5-man, 10-man, etc.)

Matriarch Level

  • Prove you can lead with word. (Serve as either head of weapons check or head herald for a national event.)
  • Prove you can lead with might. (Win a 1v1 tournament at a national event.)
  • Prove you can lead with head. (Win a national tournament with a team of 4 or more, i.e. 4-man, 5-man, 10-man, etc.)
  • Prove you can lead with tongue. (Win a bardic competition at a national event.)
  • Prove you can stand with best gnoll of any clan. (Complete race and clan-specific gnoll challenges, you know, for funsies.)
  • Prove you can stand with best monster. (Earn a monster-specific title, like mekoot or warmaster.)
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