Roland Demox

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== Fighting Information ==
== Fighting Information ==
'''Name''': Squire Demox  
'''Name''': Squire Roland Demox
'''Affiliations:''' [[Brotherhood of the Falcon]]
'''Squiring To:''' Sir [[Guts]]
'''Squiring To:''' Sir [[Guts]]
'''Race:''' Undecided
'''Race:''' Partially feral wolverine in a human suit
'''Realm''': [[Dunharrow]]
'''Realm''': The Rugged Lands of [[Shaolin]]
'''Fighting Since''': Febuary 2008
'''Fighting Since''': Febuary 2008
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== Mundane Information==
'''Name''': Keaton Michael
'''D.O.B.''': April 22, 1989
'''Current City''':Chicago, IL
'''Hometown''': Boulder Hill, IL
'''Occupation''': Recording Engineer
== Character History ==
'''----Informal Introductions----'''
Demox was drinking in a tavern within the walls of the city Osgiliath. While enjoying his fine mead a sound caught his ear, it was a most annoying sound, almost drove Demox to stab his own ear . He soon realized that this was no sound, it was a voice. He scans the room and finds the voices owner, a man sat at the bar holding a small guitar, he was obviously a bard telling some boring story. Demox shrugged off the voice annoying tho it may be, it was early in the night after all, perhaps more mead must be drank to drown out the annoying mans voice. As he drank tho Demox did not grow used to the mans voice instead he become even more annoyed. Less now due to the womanly pitch but now for the fact that it never stopped. The man refused to stop telling his story, and it dragged on like this for several hours. Until finally Demox slammed his fist out and called from across the room.
“Do you ever close your damn mouth!?”
The entire tavern was silent, Demox is smaller than his pure bred cousins however comparative to the human realm Demox is a large intimidating creature. The man at the bar rose, he began staring at the half-orc, still sitting in his chair, against most normal judgment instead of becoming silent as most sane, rational men would do when barked at by a descendant of the orcs, the man barked back.
“Imagine that, a filthy crossbreed that needs manners.....and a shower!”
Demox rose quickly with the mans retort, and began to walk towards the man. Whilst saying,
“You must be some kind of fool, I swear I will be the end of you you filthy pinkthing”
“I'm not the one who hasn't taken a bath in a few days. Filthy? I hardly think so.”
“You stink pinkone, you stink of fear and weakness, foolish be you that thinks he is better than a child of an orc”
At this time Demox had crossed the room, he was standing directly in front of the annoying man, all others had cleared an area around him fearing Demox's size. Bard then says,
“I don’t need to worry about orcs, all I see is some stumbling crossbreed, too weak to be an orc, too stupid to be a human.”
That was all Demox needed to hear, he cocked back a fist and struck the man in the forehead just above the bridge of the nose. The entire tavern went silent, mostly because nobody could believe the annoying man was STILL talking. Whilst clenching his head and bent over a stool in pain the man was still saying,
“Here we go with the manners issue again....did your mom teach you anything? I guess you need a lesson”
With that the man grabbed the stool and swung it, connecting with Demox's temple and knocking the half-orc back a few steps. The man was on him, throwing punches that all kept landing until Demox became aggravated and grasped the man by the throat, lifting him off his feet and throwing him back against a wall. He started to stand to Demox's amazement, this was more of an chore than he had originally hoped for and was becoming bored with this game. As Demox began advancing the man rose and it seemed as tho the scuffle would continue, until the guard burst through the doors, 2 men easily subdued the man while it took close to 4 men to hold Demox down long enough for a 5th to shackle his wrists and ankles. They were both pulled to their feet and dragged out of the tavern and thrown into prison wagon. For  awhile they both sat in silence, neither wished really to speak with the other. Until finally the man whispered,
“I’ve got a plan to get out”
“Silence pink one, I no longer wish to hear you speak”
“Demox likes to eat, yes? Well Demox can get a good meal with a full pig if he shuts his damn mouth and lets the big people do the talking.”
“HAR, You no big, you be small and weak”
“Small but still has large brains, think you can kick in that door?”
With that bard pulled a lock pick from his boot, apparently this man was full of tricks after all, he silently removed his shackles so as not to alert the guard and then began working on Demox's. Once he was finished the man said,
“Ok now take care of the door, and remember brute, tuck and roll.”
Demox kicks in the door and they both jump out, before the guard can have a chance to react or attempt to stop the wagon the two tear off down a back alley. They dipped in and out of back streets and alleys until they reached the market where the man grabbed 2 cloaks, threw one over Demox and then over himself and with hoods up the two simply melded into the crowd. After they became clear of the danger the two stopped,
“Well that was exhilarating, I'm Azghareta. They call me Bard”
'''----Best Laid Plans----'''
Two and a half years after their fateful encounter in Osgiliath Demox still suffered the presence of the human bard, whom despite many protests still refused to shut up. They were heading south from Pelagir, they had heard there of a money making opportunity in Poros, a small town on the northern outskirts of the deserts of Nearharad. 5 miles north of the town the stop to make camp, the sun is still high in the sky but much still needed to be planned if everything was to go smoothly. After they finished they sat to eat lunch and rehearse the timeline, just as they had many times before, but if this was to work the timing had to be flawless and they would have no further contact after this point. After they finished they rose, Demox handed the bard enough gold for a days stay in an inn as well of some extra to restock Demox's depleting rations and said.
“Remember, no contact until the job is done and dont arrive until tomorrow.”
“Dont worry Brute, we've done this before remember?”
“Just dont screw it up.”
And Demox began the walk to Poros alone. As he walked he rehearsed his role in his head over and over, his job was simple, he just had to hope the bard could talk the townspeople into their little scam. Demox let out a small chuckle, what was he thinking? That man could convince the people of Rohan to kill all their horses if he felt it was in his interest. A mile from the town Demox made his way around to the east side of town and made camp a mile from the edge of town. He did not have much, enough to have a makeshift camp, a few days rations and what was on his back, this was all that was needed should the plan go as it is supposed to. When he finished it was time to shake the cage a little, he collected his bow and the rest of his weapons and was off. He snuck as close as he could to the east edge of town without being seen and saw what he had hoped for. Demox never understood it, he was never a stable boy, but their always seemed to be a cart that was full of loose straw. You'd think SOMEBODY would eventually recognize the fire hazard, no matter, it will serve his purpose and the people shall be educated. He prepped an arrow, some cloth, a little oil, good. He donned his helm, lit the arrow, took aim and loosed. Solid shot he thought as he saw the flames start to cackle.
“Time for the grand entrance.”
He began walking down the streets, throwing, and flipping anything that wasnt nailed to the floor. After passing the cart now completely engulfed and flipping another that was nearby he saw another familiar sight, men of the town taking up arms to oppose the monster. Usually only poorly trained farmers in disarray possessed the courage to pick up a weapon of opportunity to protect their homes. He thought back to a story the bard had told long ago of ordinary men, rising to extraordinary circumstances. The thought gave Demox goosebumps, as he lifted one of the men and threw him through the window of the nearest building. After dealing with the last of the militants Demox grabbed one of them and carried him to the square and dropped him at the steps of the magistrates office. An old man walked out, clutching a staff as he walked to the top of the steps and asked,
“We are a farming village! What is it that you expect us to do?”
Demox responded with one word that seemed to ring out and echo throughout the whole town.
“I will continue to return until I have raized this village to the ground”
With that Demox turned and left in the same direction he had come, collecting his equipment from his hiding spot and headed back to his makeshift camp. The groundwork is set, now lets just hope the annoying one can keep up his end.
The following day more of the same. Demox put on a big show in the attempt to further instill fear into the hearts of every man, woman, and child of the town. This time however, Demox gazed into the local tavern to see his companion sitting at the bar watching the chaos outside unfold. A smile crossed Demox's lips from beneath his mask, so far everything was happening just as it should. He finished his little show sure that the bard was already selling his pitch to “eradicate the orc menace that plagues this town” and headed back to camp. Tomorrow would be an interesting day for sure.
The following morning Demox rose with first light, gathered his things and went to a per-designated spot a few miles south of the town. He hid most of his gear there next to some that Az had left there. Their escape was set, a quick change of gear and he was off, he doubled back as to enter the town from the same direction as previously. He again made his way to the square, this time however he experienced no resistance, save Azghareta, standing in the center of the square, holding a spear of glistening white.
“You shall bother these good people no longer. So says the Azghareta Azgabel, Orc Slayer of the Cair Andros plain!”[[File:Oxbanner.jpg|250px|left|border]]
Demox laughed a long hearty laugh.
“The pink one believes he can challenge a child of the orc, foolish man, you truly shall die a fools death.”
For the first time, Demox drew his sword as the man before him readied his spear.
Thrust, parry, tie up. The wrestled and tussled about putting on a grand performance just as they had many times before. Demox would swing and Az would duck just in the nick of time. Az would thrust and Demox would parry and dodge and close distance. A few times Demox would throw a quick jab to the kidneys just to remind the man not to get too cocky should they have to fight for real one day. Demox rolls out to get away and Az swings with all his might and connects, slashing Demox across the back from shoulder to hip. Demox takes a step turns and falls. Staring at the sky, nearly lifeless. The man had bested him.
Azghareta planted his spear and threw his arms up in celebration. The magistrate stepped forward behind him. Az cocked his head slightly,
“Its done, you owe me payment”
“Ill give you everything you deserve.” was what the magistrate muttered as he stepped forward.
Demox with his eyes closed heard the familiar sound of a dagger being drawn and the magistrate closing on Az from behind. It did not take much to realize that the bard was being double crossed. The magistrate planned to kill him now that his back was turned to avoid payment. Very little thought crossed Demox's mind, his leg twitched, his boot connected with the magistrates leg just below the knee causing him to lose his dagger and stumble toward Az. Azghareta whirled and drew his own dagger and burried it into the magistrates gullet. Demox rose, revealing the steel plate worn beneath the tattered tunic he wore. For a second all was silent as the magistrate fell to the ground dead. The townsfolk looked on in disbelief of what they were seeing. And then the realization started setting in that they had been conned. Azghareta shouted,
“Get Horses!”
as he ran of and Demox picked up his weapon and the spear and began fending off the now enraged town. He could not fight off the whole town, not forever anyway, tho he would not have to, the annoying one rode up with a second horse in tow,
“Always late to the party I see pink one?”
“Fashionably late, cant seem too eager now can we, you coming or are you enjoying the company of your new friends?”
Demox turned and threw himself atop the steed and tossed the man his spear as they rode south. With what seemed like the entire town of Poros in pursuit.
'''----The Getaway----'''
They got away, for now. They had only bought enough time for the people of the town to ready the horses and pursue the 2 companions but that was just enough for the men to stop south of the town and collect the equipment they had left there. They loaded all of their equipment onto the horses and made sure everything was secured, Demox mounted his horse as the bard was finishing. Bard looked up at the large half breed and said,
“Well things certainly got interesting fast didn’t they?”
Demox responded, “You would say that seeing as how all this is your fault”
“MY fault, how is any of this my fault!?”
“You insulted him didn’t you?”
“I did nothing of the sort, I MAY have implied that if he were a real man he would be able to handle the orc menace on his own, but that’s not really an insult seeing as how it’s the truth.”
“And you don’t think that had anything to do with why he tried to put steel in your back?”
“Of course not! He wanted to swindle me to get out of paying what was owed!”
“Yes he wanted to swindle the swindlers, I wonder what it’s like being in that fantasy world inside your head. Next you’re going to tell me that I didn’t just save your ass back there?”
“I didn’t need you, I knew what was going on, I was just going to tussle with him a bit, let him attempt to prove his manhood before I bested him. I had the entire situation under control.”
“He had you dead to rights, you were too busy shouting your own praises and amazingness.”
Bard replied as he mounted his horse,
“Well if people started to recognize my greatness I wouldn’t have to keep telling them now would I?”
At about this time the two saw the towns people riding upon their position, Demox yelled,
“We will finish this conversation later pink one, and I’ll have to remind you of your weakness. Into Nearharad, GO!”[[File:Koalify.jpg|250px|right|border]]
They rode off, and they rode hard, Demox was impressed by the horses as they had not relented either, perhaps they felt that their lives depended on getting away too. They rode for 2 days deep into Nearharad, no rest for either man nor beast. Demox would continually send the man ahead and would turn to scout their pursuers and determine the threat, perhaps set a trap to cripple a one and make him turn back, near the end of the second day Demox witnessed the last of the pursuers relent and turn back for town. With a pleased smile, Demox returned to his companion and gave him the good news,
“The last of them have turned back we are in the clear, not that it matters much, by now I’m sure by now everybody from here to Morannon has been told of us, and all of the towns we hit along the way will want to crucify us. But we can stop and make camp here and try to get some rest.”
The halted and dismounted, Demox’s horse had been given frequent bouts of walking and rest turning back to deal with pursuers, but it became apparent quickly that the bard never gave a thought to the needs of his horse, the animal collapsed, in severe pain probably to never stand again.
Demox mumbled something inaudible about the man being too idiotic for his own good as he tried to calm the animal. He said something in a long forgotten language as he drew his dagger and put the suffering animal to rest.
The man asked,
“What did you say to it?”
Demox responded,
“Just something to bring it peace.”
“Oh the sensitivity, and here I thought you were DEMOX, DESTROYER OF WORLDS!!”
Demox gestured with the now blood soaked dagger,
“Push me further weak one and you will be next.”
“There’s the brute we all know and love, see right there, I actually thought you would seriously I end me”
“I would” Demox muttered as he pushed passed the man.
“Well what do we do with it?”
Demox replied,
“Skin it, we’ll need the rations.”
“Well do you have a plan?”
“For what?”
“We live as outlaws, most towns we would come in contact with are going to kill us on site thanks to you, AND we lost all our gold so if you have a better idea you just go ahead and let me know.”
“Hey! I already told you that was not my fault, and actually I do the man reached into his bag and produced a map.
“I got this on my last visit to Farharad, supposedly there’s butt loads of treasure there. “
“And what are we going to do with gold you nitwit, anywhere we would spend it now hates us.”
“I know some people in Esgaroth, we could get the treasure and cross the mountain range and stake a claim there.”
“Do I look like the stake a claim and settle down kind of guy!?”
“You never know we could start a farm together, start a ranch, get some wives. Maybe start a brothel….”
“I suppose it’s better than what we got now.”
They made a fire and for the first time in days got some rest.
'''----Into Farharad----'''
It had been over a week since the last of the town folk relented their pursuit . The companions had loaded all of their gear onto the remaining horse and had been walking. The complaining started two days ago, the bard was relentless,
“My feet hurt, I hate all this walking, are we even there yet….”
“You’re the one with the map pink one, so you tell me, are we there?”
“No, it says here that we should be entering Farharad in the next few miles.”
“Well then that answers you question then didn’t it.”
“Yeah, I’m just tired of all this walking.”
“Well if you would have let up on your horse then maybe it would still be walking, instead I have to eat this wretched horse meat.”
“Oh calm yourself brute, your people are used to eating human flesh aren’t they?”
“You’re an imbecile, I grew up with my human mother, in a human village near Sarn Gebir, a fact you very well know.”
“I thought you ended up eating your mother.”
“And here I thought you were the intelligent one.”
“Your finally starting to get it, good job brute.”
“One of these days pink one, I’m going to slap you senseless.”
The continued on, about a day’s march into Farharad the bard started with the crazy talk again.
“Its so hot!!”
“Listen pink one, I HATE the desert, can’t stand it, almost as much as I hate horse meat, include your constant dialogue and I’m currently walking through my personal hell, so how bout you do me a favor and shut up.”
“But my feet hurt, you know, there’s still room up on this horse for both of us to ride.”
Demox stopped walking completely and just stared at the man, a stare that would cripple most men.
“What?” the man asked.
“I know you did not suggest what I think you did.”
“Well it makes sense”
“No, even if you were a gorgeous woman I would not allow you on the back of my saddle.”
“Who says I’d be on the back, I could drive and you could ride on the back. And lets face it, no gorgeous women are going to want to ride on your saddle”
“Still, Not happening.”
“Come' on nobody is going to see us, we are alone in the middle of the dessert.”
“And we are here because you just had to go insulting people. You can walk. Seriously, you couldn’t insult the magistrate of a village just north of a tropical paradise could you.”
“When are you going to let me live that down?”
“Never, lets go.”
It went on for a few more hours like this, the were a few miles into Farharad by now and still the man would not yield his babble. He continued.
“My feet hurt, and I want to stop”
“The sun is still high in the sky, we push on.”
“You really want this treasure don’t you brute?”
“Well thanks to your mouth we no longer have any gold”
“There you go again placing blame. And my feet still hurt”
“Didn’t you make this trip once before pink one?”
“Well, yeah.”
“And you didn’t complain nearly this much I bet.”
“Well I was riding a horse, and I did, but your a better conversationalist than my old horse was.”
It was silent for about a minute, then two, and just as Demox thought there was going to be some piece and quiet the man spoke again.
“My feet hurt, lets just ride the horse”
Demox finally lost it,
With that Demox drew his dagger and thrust it into the neck of the horse 3 times, separating the spinal cord, the animal fell, dead before it hit the ground
The man wailed.
“I imagined it was you...” Demox replied as he wiped off and re sheathed his dagger.
“Wha....No...Now I have to CARRY my gear and my feet are going to hurt MORE, AND we are going to spend the rest of the day skinning the animal, and salting the meat.”
“Worth it.” Demox said with a smile as he wiped off and re sheathed his dagger.
“Laugh it up fuzzball, you don’t have nearly as much gear as me.”
“And therein lies the beauty of traveling light, you think a traveling bard would have learned that by now.”
Truth is they didn’t spend the rest of the day, a good portion of it. When they had finished Demox grabbed all his gear and waited as he watched the man struggle to get all of his gear on and they were off. For once the man did not open his mouth for many miles as he struggled  with the weight of his gear, it didn’t take long for him to start to falter and fall behind. Pretty soon about every quarter mile he started shifting and tossing some of his gear off to the side to try and lighten the load. Demox looked back as he had done to ensure that the man had not collapsed to see a trail of the mans affects riddling where they had walked.
“If they end up catching up, and follow that trail to us, before they string me up last thing i'm going to do is end you boy.”
“Eyes front asshole, I wouldn’t be making a trail if you didn’t stab the horse.”
“And I wouldn’t have stabbed the horse if your voice wasn’t the most annoying thing on the planet.”
“Well some of us aren’t gifted with being part orc, maybe you should have ran it by me before you decided to kill the only thing carrying all my gear.”
“Well then I wouldn’t have succeeded in making you miserable.”
After a few more hours they finally made camp. As they sat the man took his gear and sorted out his necessities, he had traveled many years and obtained many trinkets along the way so many things would be left behind. But it would make the coming journey possible. Tho he may still hold a grudge against his companion for years to come

Latest revision as of 02:53, 10 November 2022


[edit] Fighting Information

Name: Squire Roland Demox

Affiliations: Brotherhood of the Falcon

Squiring To: Sir Guts

Race: Partially feral wolverine in a human suit

Realm: The Rugged Lands of Shaolin

Fighting Since: Febuary 2008



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