
Warbraids (or simply 'braids') are an accessory made from woven material, usually fabric or leather. They are most often worn on a belt around the waist, but can sometimes be used in headgear or armor pieces. Warbraids can be any color or design. They have been part of monster culture for as long as anyone can remember, and have become common decorations among humans as well.
Once, a Grik ask, Why do you wear those braids?
You see, in the times of Chita, witchdoktas have great an powerful majiks. One of these majiks was the ability to affect the fate of another. Dey would take a thread of you soul and braid it with majik and charms and thread, and with it, dey could affect the threads of a monster's destiny.
Now, most monsters be wildly independent, and be not liking when others being telling them what they gonna do. So in defense, a monster would take a thread of their own soul or fate, and braid it, thereby locking control of their destiny to themselves. Dey would hide it amongst other braids, because if someone get they soulbraid, they could take ownership of the monster's fate from them.
But, time go on, and Chita's Tower fall. Witchdoktas spread thin, get isolated, and die, an many majiks lost. The ability to affect another's monster's fate was lost as well. But the practice of wearing warbraids was very necessary and prevalent, and so the practice never fully died out, and now lives on today as a fashion trend!
-As told by zee Witchdokta Salamander
See Also: Two Ill-Fated Kings