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Commander Gekk’o

Commander Gekk’o
On the Hunt


Titles in the Horde:







Titles in the Great Hunt:



High Huntsman





Nethys (The Shattered Mind)

Animal Totem:

The Primal Raven




Horde Awakened at Beltaine 2015

Personal Quote:

"I was a monster who dreamt he was a man and loved it, But now the dream is over and I am awake"

Other Affiliations:

The Great Hunt member since October 2014

Blood-Brothers to Valentine Valiard

Knights of Wildwood "Sur'Vival"

Horde Prana'kai Passed:

Prana'kai of Blood with Valentine at Summer Slaughter 2015

Prana'kai of Lore at Equinox 2015

Prana'kai of Scavenger at Equinox 2015

Prana'kai of Hell at Oktoberfest 2015

Weapons of Choice:

Sword and board

Fighting Since:


Made Commander of Dead River Horde at Oktoberfest 2015, Trusted warriors are Valentine Valiard and Squooshie.


Awakening from the Dream

Nights ago I had the dream, being dragged down the river of souls, I awoke to find the head of a carrion crow in my mouth, the Crow danced her dance as the needle was removed from my skin, I did not survive.

The spirit that resides in my mind was ripped out like a deep mist, and it whispered through the trees and over the mountains, finding refuge in a womb of trees. The crow appeared again and dropped the needle and the thread, and such was the first stitch. Where there was one there will be many.....

the elements filled me Iron, most abundant and used as weapons of war and peace. Carbon as present in all organic life, Silver as versatile as any other, its uses numberless. Iridium an element from a far away plane, its heat resistance was key for forming my shell, and the other three elements that formed inside me lit a fire. Magnesium, Phosphorus and Sulfur, they lit a fire inside my carapace, How does one describe fire dancing in ones chest......

The minerals tinted and hardened my skin, Pyrite to give my enemies false hope, Graphite and Quartz to toughen my flesh, Lazulite, Lazurite, Scorzalite and Azurite to give my carapace a glimmer of shades of blue.

The Crescent moon forms above me and a dark shadow slides across it as the moon turns red, a tribute to my former soul, or so i have been told.

A swarm of painted Locusts fly towards me and around me, three hundred and forty three Kussts fly towards me in a cloud let by a large carrion beetle. As the beetle delivers the locusts into my body, he makes his way to my throat, the Carrion beetle makes his rest, as my mouth opens slowly and I speak, the sound carries....

The one who answers, follows a thread and the voice that reverberates in his being, in the stitching dance he is undone, and he regrets his misguidance. Every stitch is seven and were there is one there will be more... many more...

The heart beats.... fast... the pounding drum of the huntsman.... I see the weak, a voice echoes inside my head, "Prey on the weak and you survive..... Prey on the strong and you truly live" A raven lands on a tree branch and marks me, not my skin, but my soul.

The hunt begins, the first hunt of many begins and ends, I dance, I dance as if it is all i know to do. the celebration of the hunt. and from this hunting ground, the beast changes me, I understand better the balance that is life and death, The raven grants me its ability to see the wounded and help them along their pathway to the otherside.

Then the path lights up, the lucid path stretches before me. I ascend the mountain, and for the first time, I dig in. I am covered as a dream, slowly the dream ends and i unfurl. there is thrumming, and suddenly there is no more, the Kussts stir to fight and feed. the empty vessels are full and on my shoulders the crow dies and drapes its mantle over me. I have awakened.

How does one explain the feeling of fire dancing in his chest

Events Attended:

Battle for the Ring 2016 (California)

Oktoberfest 2015,2014 (Illinois)

Wolfpack Home Opener 2015,2016 (Illinois)

Beltane 2016,2015,2014,2013 (Tennessee)

Equinox 2015,2014,2013 (Tennessee)

Ides of March 2016 (Georgia)

EastWind Events Attended: (South Carolina)

Winter War 2015

Summer Slaughter 2015

EastWind Under Siege 2015

Relaxing after a hunt
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