13th Legion

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The 13th.jpg

We don't recruit soldiers, we Make Em.-Centurion WraithChaos WarsXV


What is the 13th Legion?

The 13th Legion is a militaristic unit based out of Oklahoma. The leader of the unit Centurion Wraith teaches leadership, teamwork and values. The 13th Legion doesn't just operate in Oklahoma, but in Utah as well. The Aquilonia division is run by Crow where the Salt Lake city division is run by Centurion Arctose. The rank structure of the 13th Legion is similar to a military ranking structure. Having higher ranking members at the top such as the Centurion Prime of Palace giving orders on the field to the Pleebs.

How do I join the 13th Legion

Joining the 13th Legion is really quite simple. Unlike most other units where you have to fight the other members to prove your worth to get in. We take a more formal way of you just coming up and asking. You will then be conscripted in and start out as a pleeb taking orders from the higher ranking members like Centurions and Legionnaires.

How do you rank up in 13th Legion

Ranking up in the Legion is very different from other units. First you have to have the required garb, weapons and armor. Then you have to pass a test on the units history. Along the way you learn all the history of the unit and the members in the unit. The last is if you are trying to make Optio or a rank out of the Pleeb ranks then you have to fight for your freedom, for you are officially leaving the life of a slave. Ranking up can take as long as you want it to its all up to you!

What are the benefits to joining the 13th Legion?

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