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Julfeism is the ancient religion once forgetten in the world and now restored by Necronos. In Julfeism mythology, Julf, father of all gods had created the universe and all that occupy it. He created planets and life and found that the work was too much. From his loins he sprung the other gods and goddesses to help him with all that existed. All was good, until The Great Mistake occurred. This Mistake was so Great that it drove Julf to create alcohol and to get drunk. The inebriated Julf sought to fix The Great Mistake and destroyed the universe.

The other gods and goddesses were upset with their father doing this. Gloron, the sky god came forth and refashioned a new universe from the ashes of the one previous. The others rejoiced and all was as it is.

Julf, still inebriated, also rejoiced and changed from a sad drunk to a happy drunk. He handed over his mantle of Head God to his son Gloron, much to everyone's delight.

Gods and Goddesses

Gloron - the Head of the Gods and God of Sky, and the Heavens.

Multjun - God of War, Warriors, and Killing

Klog - God of Crafts, and Craftsmen

Hidiotunk - Goddess of Poets, Artists, and Scholars

Gung - God of Eating, Flatulance, and Pooping

Horgumph - God of Mischief

Foof - Goddess of Love, and Sex

Moob - God of Men, and Scratching

Wooz - Goddess of Women, and Smelling Good

Kelch - Goddess of Hunting, and all animals

Gookoo - God of the Sea, Water, and Pirates

Flornork - God of Earth, Fire, and Ninja

Thorm - God of Death, and Change

Punjoob - God of Agriculture, and Food

Hobunk - God of Falling Over

Julf - Father of the Gods, God of Drinking, and Alcohol


It is perhaps misleading to speak of "Julfeism" as a unified system of dogma or ritual; perhaps the most conspicuous aspect of the religions practised in the Realms is their overall variety and their localism. Different people worship different deities, sometimes with epithets that specified their local nature; Pirates had Gookoo; Garbers, Klog; Ebonhold is a center for the worship of Julf, and so.

Cults have arisen for the specific worship of specific gods. The cult of the War God, Multjun, paints the symbols of their god on their body before going to war. They practice fighting and are always prepared to do battle on any who see worthwhile. Meanwhile, the cult of Gung delight in eating. They see being a fatty as a life spent serving their god. The sacrifice a small portion of their food so that they might not suffer from heartburn and that they might be able to later serve their god by burping and pooping.


The most widespread public act of worship in Julfeism was dedication and sacrifice. Dedication was the simple act of dedicting acts or objects to the god so that they might be pleased and might distow their blessings on the people. Sacrifices were also given, such as sacrificing a drink of beer or a blood sacrifice, so that blessing maybe given.

Votive gifts are offered to the gods by their worshippers. They are often given for benefits already conferred or in anticipation of future divine favors. Or they can be offered to propitiate the gods for crimes involving blood-guilt, impiety, or the breach of religious customs. They can be given either voluntarily or in response to demands by the cult's priesthood that the donor fulfill a religious vow or honor some religious custom.

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