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'''Back Story'''<br/>
My back story has changed, I will be putting up the first "Journal Entry" of my back story then adding a link to a blog where you can find the rest if you so desire.
'''Back Story:'''<br/>
Journal Entry One:
I am Antoinette, the only daughter of the Marquis Williams, founder and overlord of Fort Caministigoyan; I was given the title Antoinette, Daughter of Fort Caministigoyan at birth. Subsequently as a daughter of a Marquis I was referred to as the Lady Antoinette. Since leaving the confines of my father, my impending marriage, and the walls of Fort Caministigoyan I have never once introduced myself as The Lady Antoinette, Daughter of Fort Caministigoyan. I detest the titles and wish to never hear them uttered.
I was much overlooked as a child I was to be seen and not heard, I was dressed in the latest British nobility fashions even though we lived in the wilderness. I was taught the “womanly duties” of cooking, sewing, and healing.  Having seven brothers that were the center of attention by going daring, dangerous, and stupid adventures into the north lands the later of those skills came into use the most.  They all came back battered and bruised. It was I who patched them back together. Over the years not only did my brothers and cousins’ come to me for healing but the majority of the inhabitants of the Fort as well. My healing skills are well honed after years of healing injured, batter, bruised and bloody young men and even birth a few children. <br/>
Hello, my name is Antoinette, and my guess is that you are wondering who Antoinette is and I do not blame you. I am many things, I am a leader, I am a run-a-way, I am a defender, I am a individual, I am semstress, I am a healer, I am a teacher, I am a sister, I am a friend, and lastly I am a strong Irish woman who does not settle for anything else the what is good, what is fair, what is honest, what is true, and what is right.  
My father only saw me as a mean of which to secure the alliance of the Duke of Spencer by marrying me off to his son His Lordship Henry the second. I detest His Lordship because of his attitude and unlike other young women I say right though his handsome exterior to the evil, manipulative and abusive core. I told my father there was no way I would marry His Lordship. I was not received well. Needless to say I in the cover of darkness packed my dresses, my healing kit, fabric given to me by my mother, and the little gold I possessed and dressed in the full regal of Lady Antoinette, Daughter of Fort Caministigoyan, I took a horse from the stable and with out question from any of the guards set off into the night.  
Some of you might be wondering how someone who claims she is all I have claimed to be can also be a run-a-way, or a rebel as some might put it.  Well let me start at the beginning, it was nearly ten years ago, when I was thirteen, my father, the last actually Irishman to hold the title of Viscount Galway[1]was upset he had no sons, just one daughter, me. He did not want to leave his title, or his land to a daughter, like many men, he wanted a son but he had promised my mother he would never cheat on her, so he went looking for an orphan boy, one he could pass off as his son, one he could train to be the son of a Viscount. He found a little boy, 6 years old, with the oddest name I have ever heard, the little boy was named Kodite. He was the cutest thing I had ever seen and my father was harsh, even cruel to him. He was my brother and I had to protect him.
My father had contracted me to marry the second son of some English Duke, and there was no way I, being the strong Irish woman I was, was going to marry some English prissy boy. I was also not going to let my father hurt my little brother. I was going to take him and we were going to run away.
I waited until I was 14, a whole year from the time my father had started this crazy idea to find a boy and turn him into nobility. Kodite was now 7, and I was 14, my father had gone away to England for some finalization on my cost and what I came with. I packed up my clothing, my sewing, my nursing kit, my brothers clothing, his swords and I took two horses and we left. I made it look like the house was ransacked and we were kidnapped, I got us out of there, I got us to safety.  
Not having a destination I spent most days in search of some other humans. I did after leaving the confines of the Fort and the outlands I dismounted and disrobed, changing into the simple yet rich style of clothing I now wear. I made it look like Lady Antoinette, Daughter of Fort Caministigoyan, had been attacked by an animal or murdered. I set forth now as Antoinette, Healer of the Injured. I made my way though the untamed wilderness healing all the injured she came across, hiding her face from them to make sure she was never found.  
We traveled many nights and slept though many days, we managed to make it to the coast. We were in another county, no one knew us here, here we were safe, not completely safe, and we wouldn’t be until we cross the ocean to the new world. The adventure was just beginning.  
Now you might ask how did this runaway daughter of a Marquis end up in this realm called [[Thunder Guard]]? I wondered that myself and though back to the day I came across what appeared to be a badly injured human.  I dismounted my horse and tied him to a tree, looking around I pulled up my hood and proceeded to heal the young man I had come across, only to find that as I tended the numberless wounds, they had already started to heal themselves.  I though that he was unconscious and out loud spoke, “Who is this man, and how is it his wounds heal themselves?” in a low voice the man whispered back “ I am [[Amaranth]] the Never- Fading and you are Lady Antoinette, Daughter of Caministigoyan”. I stepped backwards and looked hard at him, how did this stranger man know who I was. “How do you know my titles?” I asked and I resumed trying to heal his injuries.  He spoke of how he had lived many years and had visited my once prison for only an hour years ago and could clearly see past my hood. “You will not force me back, to that prison?” He said he would not. And asked, “Where do you now live?” I explain to him what I did and what I called myself now.  He gave me a nod.
[1]-I know this is a real title and there is a actually Viscount Galway but I liked the way it sounded
I was about to set off and then he offered to take me to his realm, he called it [[Thunder Guard]] and said they could use my healing skills and other abilities in sewing.  Knowing my father would never be looking for me in the realm of these warriors I agreed and now I lived and heal the Warriors and young warriors called Tyros who live in this realm. I am Antoinette, Healer of the Injured. I live in the realm of [[Thunder Guard]] and I am at home here.
My symbol is a Irish version of the iconic Tree of Life, and is shown below:
My symbol is a Irish version of the iconic Tree of Life, and is shown below:

Revision as of 04:56, 29 June 2011


Name: Antoinette, Healer of the Injured
Actual Name: Kayla Harris
Gender: Female
Realm: Thunder Guard
Fighting Style: Non-Combat, Medic
Unit: Neutral
Events Attended:

  • Giants Awakening 2010
  • Octoberfest 2010
  • Snowball 2010
  • Armageddon 2011

Kayla had been trained by the Canadian Red Cross. She comes to practices with a fully stocked first aid kit that includes Band-Aids of all sizes to arm slings and more gauze then a normal kit. It also has polysporin and disinfectant wipes as well as an instant cold pack and non-aspirin pain relievers, sugar pills and a copy of her certifications. She has certifictaes in Standard First Aid, Sports First Aid, Level C (Adult, Child, Infant) CPR and is AED (automated external defibrillator)certificated. She is always open for questions from players and parents.

Back Story
My back story has changed, I will be putting up the first "Journal Entry" of my back story then adding a link to a blog where you can find the rest if you so desire.

Journal Entry One:

Hello, my name is Antoinette, and my guess is that you are wondering who Antoinette is and I do not blame you. I am many things, I am a leader, I am a run-a-way, I am a defender, I am a individual, I am semstress, I am a healer, I am a teacher, I am a sister, I am a friend, and lastly I am a strong Irish woman who does not settle for anything else the what is good, what is fair, what is honest, what is true, and what is right.

Some of you might be wondering how someone who claims she is all I have claimed to be can also be a run-a-way, or a rebel as some might put it. Well let me start at the beginning, it was nearly ten years ago, when I was thirteen, my father, the last actually Irishman to hold the title of Viscount Galway[1]was upset he had no sons, just one daughter, me. He did not want to leave his title, or his land to a daughter, like many men, he wanted a son but he had promised my mother he would never cheat on her, so he went looking for an orphan boy, one he could pass off as his son, one he could train to be the son of a Viscount. He found a little boy, 6 years old, with the oddest name I have ever heard, the little boy was named Kodite. He was the cutest thing I had ever seen and my father was harsh, even cruel to him. He was my brother and I had to protect him.

My father had contracted me to marry the second son of some English Duke, and there was no way I, being the strong Irish woman I was, was going to marry some English prissy boy. I was also not going to let my father hurt my little brother. I was going to take him and we were going to run away.

I waited until I was 14, a whole year from the time my father had started this crazy idea to find a boy and turn him into nobility. Kodite was now 7, and I was 14, my father had gone away to England for some finalization on my cost and what I came with. I packed up my clothing, my sewing, my nursing kit, my brothers clothing, his swords and I took two horses and we left. I made it look like the house was ransacked and we were kidnapped, I got us out of there, I got us to safety.

We traveled many nights and slept though many days, we managed to make it to the coast. We were in another county, no one knew us here, here we were safe, not completely safe, and we wouldn’t be until we cross the ocean to the new world. The adventure was just beginning.

[1]-I know this is a real title and there is a actually Viscount Galway but I liked the way it sounded

My symbol is a Irish version of the iconic Tree of Life, and is shown below:

Celtic Tree of Life.gif

A Photo of Antoinette, Chiron Bearshirt and Ludy from Snowball 2010 MeChironLudy.jpg

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