Wrap Shot
A Wrap Shot is a single-handed weapon technique. Effectively a "normal" downward swing is altered by twisting the wrist mid-swing towards the target and delivering the blow with the inside edge, sometimes called the false-edge, of the weapon.
Different variations are used to target different areas of your opponents, or to create entirely new shots.
A Sky-hook, sometimes referred to as a Scorpion Whip, is a popular type of wrap.
It is debated weather or not this type of shot was an actual historical blow. The wrap shot, at least how it is used within Belegarth, is actually a type of shot that was created and perfected in SCA combat. Before this blow was discovered, the rear of the helm wasn't a viable target when directly facing someone. The original shot in the SCA was aimed at the back or top of the helm. The shot has been modified for Belegarth, as the head is illegal target for Class 1, 2, and 3 weapons.