Wisp, the Wyrd

From BelegarthWiki

Name: Wisp, the Wyrd

Actual Name: Deven

Location: London, ON

Realm: Malkier

Unit: Northern alliance

Heraldry: The Jackalope - because it's unorthodox like my fighting.

Fighting Style: So much style it should be banned.


Formerly Muffin, Wisp is the current realm leader of Malkier and member of the Northern alliance.

One of the order of foam smith and web weaver for the members of Malkier.

Keeper of the flag and Book of Malkier. Kicker of asses.

Wisp helped found Malkier on March 4th, 2010.

Wisp began fighting on January 16th, 2010, but has been goofing around with boffers since August 2005.



- Okfest

- Snowball


- Wolfpack Opener

- UBCon MisJudgement Day


- Ragnarok