Water Elemental

From BelegarthWiki

"I'd never seen anything more beautiful or terrifying, and I'd been on the sea for 30 years..." - Cap'n Caelan Finch of the Flying Goldfinch

Water Elementals are creatures made of water. This may not seem obviously dangerous at first, but the danger of water is that it is often taken for granted. We deem it safe since we partake of it regularly without incident. THIS IS A MISTAKE. Water can be placid, it can flow along peacefully, bring you life-giving nourishment, or it can be your worst nightmare - dragging you to the deep, crushing you, and laughing as your last bubbles leave you.

Always able to conform to the needs of any situation, Water Elementals can often make great companions, but always make deadly enemies. These creatures are often known to be creative on the battlefield, often thinking up imaginative and fun ways of using their powers to wash away their enemies.

Keep in mind that one should never take the friendship of a Water Elemental lightly as they can be quite emotional when wronged... and by emotional, we mean they can literally drown you in their sorrow.


Water Elementals are more varied than some other elemental types. For example, there are swamp monsters, river spirits, lake guardians, and the great fearsome trench-dwellers of the deep ocean, among others. Their temperaments are also quite varied. For example, some are happy to babble on all day like a brook, and others are secretive, deep, and mysterious.

However, one thing that is a common current with all Water Elementals is their volatility. Water Elementals are far less likely to have a one-note personality than any other Elemental as they are prone to cycling through many different forms and feelings as situations arise.


The origins of Water Elementals are many. Some are risen by wizards, some drawn forth by some crisis in the natural world, some simply springing from the waters seemingly for no reason at all, some so old they simply do not remember a time they did not exist. Each elemental has their own unique story and evolution from one part of their journey to another.

Known Water Elementals

Sir Tails, the Clever Water Elemental of Morva, Drunk Uncle to All



See also: Elementals