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Vex at BFTR 2019

HelO! I am Vex! nIte gob of tha BlaC TUndra! How did I get hEEr thO?? I spOn'd en tha sprawls of PandemOnEum, a yung gob then! Won fAteful dey, I wuz gathring shrUUmz and dawdlin abOut, I mAy hav EEten a few on tha way tU wher I wuz lost! I travl'd looooong and faaaaaaar en da cAves, but lost all cheks and dags, and sUUn but not sUUn enuff, (I wuz very hungrE) my eYeS did BURNeD and I met tha grUsum sun lands! I struggl'd and wandr'd til well met by wat wuld bE a natUral enehmEE, yet bEcAme my guud frend, Rumplestiltzkin da bugbaaare!!! Very scary munster!!

But Rumplestiltzkin was a guud bugbare, and led mE tu his munster kingdum! Tha land of Ehbonhold! This monster town had few griks and pink uns! While tha sun lands dU bE PAynFuL, I mAde my way through tha TUndra! I wuz confUZed tha hOL TIme but et wuz a guud tIme!

I ventur'd tU many landz! And fownd out tha sun lands bE not tU bad wen tha dAm sun falls down! I spend 3 yEErz in tha sun lands, joined tha HORDE under tha feral ship of my guud frend tha bug bare! I fownd manEE frends and tU my sUprIze Even uther nIte gobz lyke me.

EventUly this gob wuz captUred by a griiiik! for 5 yEERS (thes wuz almOst tU much tU count) I wuz cAptive to uh diffrent lyffe! Won that mAke no guud sense!! Full of da "chOrz" and da "rehspawnsehbellytEES". Theez times did end, nd now, fresh from sum baad lands, I Vex!! Vow!! tU explOr evrmOr!! I will Give U tha DEd!!!!!