Tznacrom of the Twins 1
Tznacrom of the Twins 1
“I dub thee Neung the Reborn and Haluk the Awakened.” Her voice echoing through the chasm and sending shivers down our spines. “from this day forward your fates are wholly intertwined as you two are now the twin high Admirals of the Deep Ones. However, you are currently the admirals of nothing and you have a great deal of work to do before you two get the grand welcome you deserve. Many things have changed since you petrified. But I have changed you two as well to deal with the harsh new reality you have been charged with fixing. For now you two are of one flesh in two bodies, made to survive months without food, extreme pressure and cold, and of course all manner of physical harm. In fact I think you are the finest specimens I have ever made. But enough patting myself on the back, you have work to do. You must revitalize the sea with the life of Deep Ones. So is your charge from Dagon as spoken by I, your mother, Hydra.”
End of transcription