Tank the Dank

From BelegarthWiki
Sigil of the Dank


  • Realm: Tir na nOg
  • Unit:
  • Fighting Since:
  • Class: Druid
  • Race: Half-Giant
  • Weapon Kits:
  • Sigil: Pink Thor's Hammer
  • Other Facts



One of the few Half-Giants to survive the age of culling. Tank came across the eastern oceans with his brethren - led by Stroth "Full of Hate". Landing upon the shores of Tir - the Gateway to Arcadia. What began as a raiding expedition became a fight for survival as the expedition came under attack by the powerful fey of the forest. The survivors were able to make it to the nearly deserted town of Tir and hold themselves in the crumbled fortifications. Tank kept himself occupied by consuming the seeing grass that the oracles once used to communicate with the gods. One evening he consumed too much and wandered into the fey controlled Forrest in a haze. Somehow he awoke unphased the next morning, he noticed that all of his pockets were full of seeing grass. Taking it as a sign from the gods, Tank took on the mantle of "Druid of the Dank Grass", cultivating his grass and spreading his crop with many.

After the reformation of the Council of Tir, marking the end of the Wild Hunt and the era of Culling, Tank took the role of oracle of the wood. His task is to usher in an age of green and brown to the land of Tir, keeping away the decaying wood with holy incense.