Skormaw Trial

Skormaw Trial:
The Skormaw Trial is a Hat Troll Combat Trial. It is not designed to be an endurance trial like many other Combat Trials that involve very intense, continuous periods of fighting by the Trial Challenger; it instead is intended to be completed over multiple days and even multiple events, focusing on increasing the combat prowess of the Challenger throughout the Trial. While working on the trial, the Challenger is expected to wear the Coat of Scôr, a unique all-white coat. They are expected, within reason, to treat the coat with care as to enable it being passed on to future trial Challengers.
Guidelines/ Rules:
•The Challenger has to achieve 100 Wins. The Challenger seeks out and fights fighters with progressively more years in the sport, separated into these brackets: 0-3 years, 4-6 years, 7-9 years, and 10+ years. The Challenger must win 5 fights in 1v1’s against 4 different opponents in the lowest bracket, then 5 wins in a 1v2 with two opponents in that same bracket, for a total of 25 wins. They then move onto the next bracket and repeat this process, until they have won 100 fights or failed the trial.
•There are 7 target zones: right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, upper torso (ring around the solar plexus/ bottom of the mammaries and up), lower torso, and head.
•If the Challenger loses a fight, any damage to target zones is recorded. Hacked and stabbed limbs are treated the same in terms of recording damage. In the case of more than 2 points of damage being taken by a Challenger in a fight, only the first and last points are recorded. (For example, a Challenger killing an opponent while losing an arm does not count against the Challenger; The Challenger losing a leg then failing to have their alive knee off the ground, allowing their opponent to kill them by hitting their dead leg again results in recording two points of damage to that leg.)
•Taking a total of 10 points of damage to any one zone results in failing the trial.
•A trusted Recorder watches and records the fights including names of opponents, their years in the sport, and any damage to a target zone that occurs when the Challenger loses a fight. They are expected to be impartial, closely observing fights to ensure the integrity of the trial. The Recorder can change freely while the trial is ongoing, as long as the role is clearly designated at all times trial fights are happening.
•Records of damage to target zones caused by death are recorded both in writing and physically on the Coat of Scôr, which will have ‘cuts’ drawn in in permanent ink to the target zones which the Challenger incurs damage, as close to the actual point where the blow landed as practical. These ‘cuts’ will be in a color individual to each new Challenger (until repeating a color becomes necessary) meaning the Coat will be a living record of all that have attempted the challenge. Slowly, the Coat will gain more and more marks from those Trolls who fought, died, and learned in pursuit of the title. In the case of recording two wounds to the same limb in the same fight, an X is used; this is a potent reminder of a doubly-costly death. (For example, dying to a rock would be indicated by a mark to the neckline. Damage to legs would be marked on the trailing portion of the coat on the legged side).
•Marks are to be painted over with paint when practical to do so, ideally at the end of each day of the trial.
•The opposing fighters should be told of the trial, failure conditions, and if they wish, the current tally of damage to each target zone. They are encouraged to try and make the Challenger fail, and exploit any weaknesses present in the Challenger's defense to do so.
•Simul’s [both fighters dying at the same time] go to the opposing fighter, resulting in target zone damage being recorded and not counting towards 5 wins. The Challenger is expected to land unambiguous kills.
•The Challenger is allowed to change kits between opposing fighters and even individual fights, but must present themselves in their full kit to their opponent before the opponent has to decide on their own kit. Armor is not permitted, but otherwise any other legal fighting weapons or shields are usable. In the case of either participant choosing to fight with bows or javelins, the fight begins at half-draw distance (15’) unless otherwise agreed upon by both fighters. The opposing fighter is encouraged to respond to the Challenger in whatever kit they think would most benefit them and punish the Challenger, or change their kit freely between rounds even if the Challenger does not.
•The Challenger can break after any fight, even if they have not yet won 5 fights against their opponent(s). If they choose to take a break, they are encouraged to practice more at the event or even go home and practice to shore up any weaknesses in their fighting style. If at all possible, they will then seek out the same fighter(s) to finish up their 5 wins later in that same event or future events.
•If this is not possible, (a) fighter(s) of the same bracket can be substituted BUT the Challenger has to win a full 5 full fights even if they had won some with the previous opponent, and the replacement(s) should be recognizable as being as skilled as the original fighter they replaced.
•If upon completing the fights the Challenger and/or the Recorder believe the fighter's skill was far below expectations for the bracket (typically only if no deaths occurred), or it is privately agreed upon by both that the opponent was cheating in some way, they may scratch them from the record and find someone else to repeat the 5 wins. The Challenger should avoid 'gaming' the system as much as possible in all cases.
•The trial must be complete within 1 year, although starting at one event and ending at the same event next year (even if the dates are slightly later) is allowed. For instance, starting at Okfest on 10/4 of one year and ending at Okfest on 10/14 of the next year is allowed.
•Successfully completing the trial earns the Hat Troll the title of Skormaw; they become a mouthpiece for Scôr himself, and are entitled to use the Skormaw symbol on their garb, gear, and armaments.