Sir Skald, the Resonant

Belegarth Titles: Squire, Member of the Chronicler’s Guild, Current Emperor of Shannara, Member of the Orde of the Eunuch
Former Unit Titles: Follower of Khorne, Champion of Slaanesh, Champion of Tzeentch, Bard of the Juggernauts
Realm: Shannara
Unit: Pledging The Brotherhood of the Falcon
Preferred style: Sword and Board, Ball and Wall
Accolades: War of the Forbidding XIII Noob Tourney Winner, Chaos Wars XXI Noob Tourney Winner, Chaos Wars XXI Bardic Night Winner, Creator of the Mythical Juggernaut Juice, Battle for the Ring X Assassin Tourney Winner, Battle for the Ring 12 Bardic Competition Winner.
Events Attended: Frozen Warriors 2016/2017, Opener 2017, Thaw Brawl 2017, War of the Forbidding XIII, Chaos Wars XXI, Battle for the Ring X, Frozen Warriors 2017/2018, Opener 2018, Anigawa 2018, Border Wars 2018, Twald 2018, Battle for the Ring XI, Opener 2019, Chaos Wars XXIII, Twald 2019, Battle for the Ring 12, Cheesecake Wars 1, Cheesecake Wars 2, Highlands of Chaos Opener 2020, Couch Chaos 2020, The Shannara Collegium 2020, BFTR 13, Frozen Warriors 2022, Highlands of Chaos Opener 2022, Battle of Bywater 1, Frozen Warriors 2023,
Lore: Coming soon!
About: Named for the Warrior Poets and Warsingers of Norway, from whom he is descended, Skald is a member of the Juggernauts. He is presently fighting out of Shannara, and is the current “Emperor” of Shannara. Initially seen many years ago and on the fields of Shannara with Hendell of the Brotherhood of the Falcon, Skald was rediscovered by Biggs of the Juggernauts and recruited fully into Belegarth culture, and after the appropriate trials have been passed, into the Juggernauts.
Skald enjoys camp life at events, and is happy to sing and perform for his fellow event goers as well as spar with them. He is the creator of the Juggernauts' very own alcoholic blend of fantastic fruits, liquors, and other inebriating items: Jugg Juice. Aside from taking to the battlefield on behalf of the Juggernauts, Skald is a professional singer - Skald is more than happy to sing you a lovely little tune or even whip up a diddy about your greatness... or your failures... if you so request it (Just ask Gaston). Skald is always excited to meet new people, so feel free to seek him out and chat!
Skald has been fighting since October of 2016 and is squired to Sir Par.

Skald has written the following works of song:
The Ballad of Gaston the Vain - Winner of the Battle for the Ring 12 Bardic Competition
Twas a cold night at BFTR 12, cloaks and fires everywhere Drinks were flowing, fighters glowing from alcohol here and there Thus it was, that one most Beautiful and very gorgeous Man, Decided his opinions on flails were where he's make his stand
Brave brave Squire Gaston, he loves his cinnamon whiskey He talked a big game and the man has no shame and he may have just been feeling frisky
Sir Par walked in to Juggernaut camp visiting with his squire. Talking with us about fighting teqniques... At least for a little while. That is when our man Gaston decided to go make his claim, and said Sir Par: (Drunkenly out of rhythm) there's no way that you can best me in 1st to 10 without *hic* the assistance of a flail.
Drunk Drunk Squire Gaston, he loves his cinnamon whiskey He talked a big game and the man has no shame but perhaps he was just being trixy?
A challenge was made by Sir Par that night, two matches to be held within plain sight. The first with flat blade the second with flail to see if Gaston would stand a snowballs chance in hell...
Oh Goddammit Squire Gaston, he loves his cinnamon whiskey He talked a big game and the man has no shame and did something that we would call risky
The battles went in ways you might expect. Gaston was defeated (HANDILY) but perhaps had earned or learned some respect? The man was destroyed it's true, but better him than me or you!!! And thankfully it happened because it gave us this lovely song!
Thank you, Squire Gaston, he loves his cinnamon whiskey He talked a big game and the man has no shame! But at least he said he was sorry!
The Bel-Curve of Belegarth - written while teaching the Songwriting Class at Battle of Bywater 1 - with the students of the class:
The Herald said 45 The people said we won’t survive Some thought not, so they fought,
Single Blues At the Battle of Bywater On the Boardwalk It’s the Bell curve of Belegarth
In pairs of two the battle grew The winners right The losers left
Single Blues At the Battle of Bywater On the Boardwalk It’s the Bell curve of Belegarth
At the back there was a stack Of fighters new beat black and blue In the front, they split a tax With the time to chillax
Single Blues At the Battle of Bywater On the Boardwalk It’s the Bell curve of Belegarth
So don’t you fear Whether old or new Say the next year You can come to
Single Blues At the Battle of Bywater On the Boardwalk It’s the Bell curve of Belegarth