Sir Lotek

From BelegarthWiki

Sir Lotek
Race: Human
Unit: The S'Nai
Realm: Dur-Demarion
Fighting Since: 1995
Weapons of choice: Florentine and Archery
Real Name: David Agostinho

Noted Achievements:

Archer, 1995
Dreng of Thurisaz, 1995
Ranger of Thurisaz, 1996
President of Dur-Demarion, 1998-2001
Knighted, 1998 (by Sir Satanaka, Fifth Knight of Dur-Demarion)
Knighthood REVOKED unanimously by the realm of Dur-Demarion. 2015

Current Unit

The S'Nai

Former Units:

TDK (Templar Draconis Kestevara)

Events Attended


V (‘95)
VI (‘96)
VII (‘97)
VIII (‘98)
IX (‘99)
X (‘00)
XI (‘01)
XII (‘02)
XIII (‘03)
XV (‘05)


II (‘96)
III, (‘97)
IV (‘98)
V (‘99)
VI (‘00)
VII (‘01)
VIII (‘02)
IX (‘03)
XI (‘05)
XII (‘06)


XI (‘96)
XII (‘97)
XV (‘00)
XVI (‘01)

Octoberfest (‘00)

Armageddon I (’02)


Having lived his entire life on the Isle of Alabaster, Lotek was intrigued to learn from a young woman of rumors of more beyond the sea surrounding their home. Under the wise tutelage and often drunken guidance of the one-inch tall Master Wog – last of the Great Ecke’s and the young woman’s teacher – Lotek and the young woman, Ora, left the city and Isle of Alabaster to travel in a small boat to seek out the wonders of the world. During their travels Lotek and Ora were married. With the knowledge that there truly was more to the world than their island, Lotek and Ora decided to make a home in the Realm of Dur-Demarion. Not longer after they settled in they learned they were to have a child. During the time before the birth of their child Lotek achieved many great things in his quest: He was invited into a unit and soon proved his skill as an archer and hunter which earned him the title of Ranger. Over the years he continued his studies under the Fifth Knight of Dur-Demarion, squiring in hopes of one day achieving the title of Knight. In two years time Lotek achieved his goal and at Equinox VIII, alongside Viper Draggoth, was knighted a Knight of Dur-Demarion. His Knighthood was later revoked by the realm, in a unanimous vote.

Real Life:

David has lived in the Nashville area since 1986 and is a graduate of Highest Honors from ITT (Class of ‘88) in the field of electronics technology. In 1993 David married Yvonne Wright (aka Ora) and in 1996 their daughter Olivia (aka Squooshie McKleith of the Clan McKleith) was born. In 1993 David entered the world of computer technology, became a technician in 1998. In 2004 David and Yvonne built a house in a beautiful neighborhood near Old Hickory Lake. For many reasons, he left the sport, never to return. His contributions to the game will not be forgotten.