Shadow Knights Mercenary Guild (SKMG)

From BelegarthWiki
======Shadow Knights Mercenary Guild (SKMG)======

=====> Basic Info

The Shadow Knights is one of several units within the Northlands Kingdom. How this unit differs from others is we battle not just for the pleasure but for the reward. Being a mercenary's guild we take on a large range of battle scenarios, whatever pays better no matter the difficulty of the quest we fight till our last breath. We take pride in challenging ourselves in our areas of expertise (Flanking, Stealth, etc.) in order to conquer new feats.

====> Shadow Knights Officer

note: N/A = Not assigned

===> SKMG Location/Practices

There are more than just Kingdom Practices, each unit has there own practices throughout the week. These are maintained by the Captain/Leader of the unit. The SKMG resides within Kentwood and Wyoming, MI. Our unit practices will always take place at, as we see it our home field, Kelloggsville Park. Which is located at 150 50th Street Southwest Grand Rapids, MI 49548 directly behind the Grace Lutheran Church. As for the time and day we do our practices its usually a spontaneous act due to working around schedules and so forth.

==> SKMG Armory

  • ? Blue Weapons
  • ? Blue/Green Weapons
  • ? Green Weapons
  • ? Red Weapons