Fighter Information
Name: Squire Sethra
Actual Name: Alyssa Rawson
Gender: Nonbinary
Race: Forest Troll
Current Realm: Rath
Unit: Elite Bloodfalcons
- Previous Unit: DGMA
Primary Fighting Style: Sword and Board
Secondary Fighting Style: Spear
House: Dread Gods Worship, Hunter of The Great Hunt
- Previous House: Grey Wolf with House Mountain Mercenaries
Fighting Since: 2010
Other Information
- Squire to Sir Chimera
- Starting Squiring at Oktoberfest 2019
Events Attended
Sethra has been making themself known at events since 2010; as such, it is impossible to list all the events they have attended. The below list is by no means all encompassing of their event attendance, it is just what is in recent memory.
- Chaos Wars XV, XIX, XXII
- War of the Gate V
- Ocktoberfest 2016, 2018
- Thaw Brawl
- Eustarie
- Western Wars
- War of the Gate
- Chumpsgiving
- Equinox XXXI