Savage of Raen Dun'Aear
Race: Orc
Fighting since: 2005
Weapons of Choice: Sword & Board, Florentine, Archery, Spear
Preferred Armor Type: Leather
Units: Western Uruk-Hai (Chieftain), White Skull
Current Realm: Raen Dun'Aear (Leader)
Original Realm: Stygia
Real World Contact: (Jon McCarthy via Facebook)
Savage began fighting in Stygia (Missoula, MT) in 2005. He was introduced to the game by his friend Bobcat, who took him to the local practices. It was at these practices that he first met the Stygian Uruk-Hai in battle. Despite their fearsome talent for slaughter, he found himself repeatedly seeking them out on the field. Admiring their combat prowess, and fearsome armaments he sought to learn and imitate their ways. It was then that Slagg and Soo Ma Tai recognized his potential as fresh blood for the mighty Uruk-Hai nation and bestowed upon him the glorious honor of killing nasty humans and elves in the name of Warlord Forkbeard and his Western Uruk-Hai.
After moving to a remote part of the land where Belegrim were scarce, he practiced in private, with only a few occasional cronies and cohorts. During these years he made long pilgrimages to fight at times in extended campaigns, most notably Chaos Wars 10, Oktoberfest 2006, and Spring War 07.
Since relocating to Raen Dun'Aear (Sonoma County, CA) he was fortunate enough to find Belegrim nearby, less than a day's journey, so he was able to reconnect with Belegarth by heading to Saracor to fight. After his trip to the battlefields of Saracor, he found a renewed vigor to honor his duties to his Warlord and all the Uruk-Hai and other Belegrim who had given him the chance to enjoy the glory of combat. To this end, he is busy calling out those who might fight in this new land; forging them together into this new Belegarth realm Raen Dun'Aear, so called for the jagged coastlines that are its westernmost border.