Fighter Info
Mundane Name: Michael "Mikey" Navarro
Fighter Name: SILVER
Born: September 1994
Realm(s): Mallenorod, Ashen Spire, Korriban
Unit: The Sith
Fighting Since: June 2017
Main Weapon Set: Combat Archer (Bow, Blue, and Back Shield)
Alternate Set: Max Blue, Flo, Min Red
Personal Information
Mikey just wants to make friends and have a good time. He's dealt with depression for a long time, but now that he has a better handle on it, he's actively trying to be more social and surround himself with loving people. Brought into the sport by his best friend, DJ Mattkip, Mikey didn't quite start enjoying the sport until he made friends with the Sith at his first event @ WoW 2017. Now he actively tries to recruit weeaboos into Belegarth at Anime Conventions by hosting panels. His dream is to meld the anime and cosplay community into Belegarth, because he believes that Belegarth is a great way to fully realize your anime dreams.
SILVER was born into a wealthy and prestigious Dark Elven House. But as the youngest child, he was never destined to be the heir to his house. His family neglected him, leaving him to his own devices. He spent most of his time reading and enjoying the arts instead of mastering the politics and subterfuge required to survive in the cutthroat Dark Elven society.
One day, the heir to his House was accused of some crime against the city. In order to protect the House's reputation, the blame was passed unto SILVER, who took the fall and was subsequently banished from his House and the city to the Underwastes. The Underwastes was a sprawling cavern system uninhabited by any sort of underground society filled with monsters and other exiles. Using what combat training he had from his ex-noble life and his creativity, SILVER barely managed to survive on his own. He lived in the Underwastes by himself for many years, but any sort of contact with other Exiles always ended in lethal combat. He became lonely and fixated on escaping the Underwastes. Through a series of interrogations, he learned that there was an underground river that supposedly flowed from the Surface World. Tales of ghostly singing lured exiles to this river in promise of freedom. Desperate to learn of the outside world and to meet other people (who didn't try to kill him on sight), SILVER searched for this mystical river until he found it. This river seemed to indeed be flowing from above, but it moved through tight tunnels with little to no room for breathing. Strangely, there was no singing as the tales suggested. While climbing this river upstream all the way to the Surface World would be a monumental task, SILVER was determined to follow through. Every day, he would practice swimming upstream, and little by little he would get a little farther. It was hard work, but he knew that if he didn't want to be lonely any more it was going to take work.
After a few months of braving the river, he could feel it - the Surface was close. But the last stretch was particularly treacherous - there was no chance to breath and the waters were rapid. In his desperate struggle to swim this last stream, for the first time he saw the light of the Surface World as it pierced through the dark waters. He pushed and pushed reaching for that light, but his body gave up before he could make it. As he began to drown and lose consciousness he finally heard it - the beautiful singing foretold in the stories. The sound of this mysterious voice grew louder as SILVER's vision turned to black. Rather than lay over and die, SILVER forced his eyes open only to find himself floating in a sea of pitch black darkness. As the song droned on, he was approached by a fish that emerged from the darkness. It was a blind cavefish, much like the ones he swam next to (and ate) on his upstream journey. But he could tell that this was the source of the beautiful singing. The cavefish finished its song as it stared into SILVER's soul with it's eyeless face. Then its female voice offered him a deal.
"I have been watching you for some time now. You brave these waters in search of a connection, in search of love. Your loneliness has driven you to madness. As did mine long ago. I can offer you these things you seek - but at a price of course. Let's be friends."
Even in this watery abyss, he could feel tears pour from his face. He didn't realize how much he's always wanted to hear those words. "Okay." The cavefish rushed forward and forced its way down SILVER's throat as he began to lose consiousness once again.
When SILVER awoke, once again he could see nothing but darkness. But he could feel this sensation of warmth on his skin, and the brush of grass on his back. The sounds of chirping birds and leaves rustling in the wind echoed in his ears, but even with his eyes wide open, he could see nothing. He had lost his sight, but he gained his freedom. All of these alien sounds and sensations reinforced his belief that he had finally made it to the Surface World. In time, he grew accustomed to his blindness and was able to make the friends he so wished to have. People came to trust and love SILVER, but there was another price he paid for his life and freedom - in service to Sylwa, the Syren goddess that offered him freedom, he lures lonely people to that river, casting them into the darkness so that Sylwa can make more "friends."
Events Attended
War of Wrath: '17, '18
Harvest Massacre: '17
Battle For the Ring: '18
Phoenix Rising: '18