Name: Reeka Grikhunter
- Galya name her for famous Witchdoktor apprentice
Race: Goblyn
Realm: Tir Asleen
Unit: Horde, Awakened at Melcaorme 2016, Year of Pain
Fighting Since: August 2010
Favorite Weapon Style: Archery
Events Attended:
- Wolfpack Opener '11, '12, '13, '14, '16
- Spring War 2011, '12, '13, '14, '16
- Field Day 2011, '12, '13
- Melcaorme X, '14, '15, '16
- Armageddon X, '12, '13, '14, '16
- Dunharrow's Kill, Grill, & Chill 2011
- Oktoberfest '10, '11, '12, '13, '14
- Rhun Closer '10, '11
- The more evil of Galya's evil Goblyn twin spawn! Served as the Tir Asleen realm president. Whoever thought putting a Goblyn in charge was a good idea we will never know.
- Don't be fooled, some changeling has been seen as Reeka and palling around with her.
- Also proud owner of Gurz the Hell Hound. Pinky fishing has never been so easy!
- Reeka be good craftsman, makes many shines and other trinkets.
- A proud member if the Broken Bones Tribe as the hunter of pinkies and sniper of the tribe