Name: Rainstone Sicka Marra Cain.
Actual Name: Kevin Bannister
Realm: Malkier.
Fighting Style: Ax and Shield, Ax and Sword, One-and-Half Handed Sword.
Backstory of Rainstone Sicka Marra Cain: Rainstone, a male human, was the son of a wealthy Tavern-keeper within castle walls. As a child Rainstone had a good view of the guard training grounds and spent most of his day watching them train and making a mock training session in his room. When he was old enough, Rainstone joined the guard in hopes of fighting for the king in the army. He was stuck on guard duty. After his required years of service had been fulfilled he turned to an adventurous man. With his father's support and gold, he set off to see the wide world. He soon found himself in Malkier where his military background came in handy. Now Rainstone in Malkier has sworn his life to the defense of the world against the blight.
Backstory: Spent two years formally trained in kickboxing and boxing as well as two years of ken-do training. Joined Malkier after a friend ran into the realm leader and told them about belegarth. Formally a member since the reinvention of Malkier in May, 2011.