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Race: Half-Goblin

God: Scribbit

Fighting since: 2005

Weapons of Choice: Flail and Round Shield

Units: None really, just another outcast of Stygia

Current Realm: Stygia

Family: None to call his own...

History: Noone knows exactly where Prawn came from, even him. Things like this happen when you take one too many shots to the head. One day he just showed up at the Gladiator's School in Stygia, and they took him right away. He learned closely and trained with his first master Ketetsu. After he had gained all he could learn from him, or so he thought, Prawn began to learn from the other fighters of the school. He rose through the ranks and is now one of the top fighters in the school.

Then the days of challenge came and he entered the orc filled battlefields that are Stygia. He learned quickly that it was a harsh world with no forgiveness. He is often in groups teamed up to fight the orcs, who are the primary fighting force in Stygia. Not exactly the greatest fighter to ever grace the fields (the head thing remember?) he often employs group tactics to take down orcs.

Skill: Not that great, below Todo by a bit. Cannot keep up with most trained orcs of Stygia.

Origin of Name: He joined the Gladiator's School at age 13. He was about 4'8" at the time so he coined the name "Prawn, King of all Shrimps!" though he has since grown to a respectable 5'10".

Famous for: The Prawn Specail. This is a weapon that takes weeks or hard work and dedication to make... and then procedes to break in every INconcievable way within the first 30 secs of battle.

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