Patchiz of Clew

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Patchiz of Clew

Born at the Harbor in the City of Angels along the Passive Coast of the West Lands,shortly after the violent riots of Watts, Patchiz grew into a young woman in the Valley of Carmel until being relocated by her Mother to the valley below Mount Olympus beyond the Great Lake of Salt.

Patchiz is a descendant of Irish textile merchants more predominantly fabric weavers from Clew Bay Ireland. Inherent to that territory her family learned to take up arms and sword play whilst bargaining with Norse and Scottish Vikings, and Spanish and Italian pirates.

In the spring of 2009 while visiting a local merchant faire called "The Days of Camelot" once again fate played a role in returning Patchiz to her family roots. She was keeping secret guard of the then ruling Monarch King Arthur when suddenly she noticed three armed Vikings discussing the kidnapping of the King. Thinking swiftly as all Irish do, Patchiz broke monarch propperness and slid her arm in escort of the King. She whirled him around and began chatting as to make normal the occurance. The Vikings not wanting to make a scene discharged their plan and proceded to find another target. Guenivere.

The traveling faire closed for the day and as Patchiz was leaving, her companion,The Scottsman, redirected her towards the Viking Encampment to make a peace with the now bored and intoxicated Vikings. There she was introduced to their Jarl Bjarki Magnusson and on their introduction both parties felt a kinship due in part to their inheirant names. Ya see Patchiz's last name is Meginness, also making her a daughter of Magnus. There was laughter and kinship and though their paths would not reunite for some time, Bjarki rekindled the fierce warrior within her that had been burried under years of serfdom and grief.

Patchiz and the Scottsman traveled great distances for training and comradery with the Hammar Heim Guild until the early summer of 2010 when by chance they met the An Tir Dearg Realm in battle practice.

Greeted by hospitality, honor, friendship and training Patchiz began to sense a feeling of ancient calling once again. In the following months she would train, listen and occassionally give a whoop butt to the realm members. Tiberius Claudius a giant on the field ever helpful in teaching vocabulary and strategy and an invaluable sources of learning. Libra of Deshi ever diligent in reminding Patchiz of balance and honor. Isk the weapons master. Tona the ever charming pirate archer with his mystical forsuth companion Dork, reminding her of the laughter and good sportsmanship.In early October of that same said year Patchiz of Clew accepted From the Deshi Realm leader Isk, an invitation and became Deshi-Co.

In the early spring of 2010 Patchiz escorted by Isk, Tiberius and Libra ventured south with other members of the An Tir Dearg Realm for a Boarder War against the Barad'Dun of the Western Tower. A great spell was cast upon her and her thirst for achievement enhanced. Thenceforth deepening her textile skills and craftsmanship of garments.

Traveling with this unit of mercenaries she attended her first Regional Belegarth event in Aquilonia, Samhain 2010 Unwittingly Patchiz in Irish fashion drank all too much spirits the eve before battle and slept through half the day before rising to find her yurt mates returning from the battle field.Being met by various friendly characters such as Forkbeard of the Uruk-Hai and Surt King of the Western Towers, and Taco of The Black Lions of Barad'Dun.

In 2011 Patchiz attended more Border Scirmishes and An Tir Dearg's hosted event War of Reckoning 2011, where again she found herself on the sidelines with garb to mend and pots to fill with hot food against the blistering cold winds and snow.

Continuing her fostering of kinship with Bjarki Magnusson Patchiz learned a great deal about live sword play, role play and Norse theology. Her alliance with the Hammar Heim Guild to be an asset in days and years to come.

Another Faire in the region, Days of Camelot and the Jarl now Gothi of Hammar Heim Bjarki Magnusson hired the Deshi Unit as mercenary guards for the Viking encampment and newly elected Jarl Jeremy Magnusson. The Deshi unit camped within the yurt made by Patchiz and the Scottsman and found the yurt quite comfortable for recovery from the frollics and guard of the Jarl and his wife. Actually taking part in the ransoming of a viperous belly dancer Patchiz showed mercy upon the Belly Dancers' porcelain colored skin and began the fostering of alliances with the gypsies and belly dancers camping at the Sands.

In the Days and months that followed she learned a mastery of Florentine, Archery,and Sword and Shield.Grieving the loss of her Newby-Fu, the training had come to a point where she knew she was prepared to do what no other woman in her Realm had ever done.Earn the Realm tabard.

In February 2012 and after 30 consecutive one on one battles, a written test and a newly instituted test of Heraldry Patchiz of Clew became the first Female Tabard holder in her realm, securing her place in An Tir Dearg History, myth and some say, legend.

"February, 2012 Basic Tabard Trial Results To all who shall see these presents, greetings:

Know Ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of Patchiz of Clew, I do hereby appoint this fighter a Basic Tabard holder in the Belegarth Realm of An Tir Dearg to rank as such from the 3rd day of February, Two Thousand Twelve.

This member will therefore carefully and diligently discharge the duties of the grade to which appointed by doing and performing all manner of things thereunto pertaining. And I do strictly charge and require all personnel of lesser grade to render obedience to appropriate orders, instruction, and safety announcements. And this Appointee is to observe and follow such orders and directives, from time to time, as may be given by Superiors acting according to the rules and articles governing the discipline of the Belegarth Realm of An Tir Dearg.

Given under my hand at Washington, UT this 3rd day of February, in the year of our Lord Two Thousand Twelve.

Tiberius Claudius Marcellus An Tir Dearg Realm Leader" All opponents who have found their way to beyond the edge of the world by her hand have but these words to say after being struck,"Wow ya are aggressive."

Patchiz spends non training time creating basic to complex garb.some of her work can be found here.

Clew Bay Song

As I rolled out one evening, In dah merry month of June, Dah birds were singing cheerfully, All nature was in bloom, The fields were decked with flowers and everting was gay, When I did feast my eyes upon the scenes around Clew Bay,

The Rennies wilds and Water Glens attract the tourist eye, Krull Patrick in the distance stands towering to dah sky, Ross darkest robed in silver sheen stands on the rocky bray, Incircled by the lovely grove of the shores of sweet Clew Bay,

The golden sun in splendor cast a mantle o'er the green, Casts a brilliant luster o'er new field and sandhill, Where the young folks they do gather on each mossy hill and brey, For to inhale the balmy breeze from the waters of Clew Bay,

If ever I do roam agin down by Rye Hotel, The lovely scenes around that place my heart would joy to fill, I'd love to see that place one and stand upon the Key, An watch the boatsman scaping o'er the waters of Clew Bay,

It's well I do remember that evening time and still, I took a long and farewell view from the top of Lighthouse Hill, Those lovely scenes still haunt my dreams as the tears roll down today, I'm longing for to see agin the scenes around Clew Bay.