Ork proverbs
List of ancient Uruk-hai proverbs
- 31. "if its not yer fried kill it."
- 32. "if it looks at ya funny its not yer friend."
- 37. "if your opponents don't know your name, you aren't hitting them hard enough."
- 41. "If U aren't wearing armor UR a noob."
Ork Proverbs
As tribe march into battle, It live putting our teef in our enemy’s throat It live putting fear in our enemy’s soul. We fulfill who we are. Born to fight, Born to kill, Born to win. For just as mere life not victory, Mere death not defeat; Enemies beware for Ork are coming And on this field, Ork shall kill a thousand foe, Laughing, Undefeated.
You are not a potato but it’s okay
Ork do not hate everything. Ork love to fight.
God create pinkie. God create Ork. Ork kill pinkie. Ork kill god. Ork kill everything.
Fool and his head are soon parted
Death an experience best shared
Pity the Ork who kill all foes
The enemy of an Ork enemy is the enemy Ork kill last
If winning not important why keep score
An Ork always prepared to fight
What Ork is right, What pink is wrong. Gobbos somewhere in between
An Ork can smell fight in the wind
If Ork compromise Ork don’t lose, If Ork kill, Ork win
Anything worth doing is worth killing over
Never trust someone who wear better armor than you
Better live fighting then die fighting
Never ask when you can take
Coward take hostage. Ork take lunch
Don’t trust Ork who don’t make time to kill
Don’t trust those who frequently smile
Faith moves mountains. Ork break mountains
Fear is power
Pinkie is best served live
Hit them hard and hit them fast
If it is in your way. Knock it down
Water cleanse body. Your enemies blood cleanse soul.
If you afraid to die, you already dead
In order to succeed Ork attack
It a good day to die
Ork is proud race. Ork intend to go on being proud
Orks born to fight and win
Orks no faint
Orks no get sick
Orks no surrender
Listen to voice of Ork blood
Ork want enemy to stand and fight. It more fun that way
Mere life not a victory, mere death not a defeat
Never leave without your weapon.
Ork always of his tribe
Brute strength not the only asset in war
Survival must be earned
The justification for killing is killing
An Ork is Ork once he can wield a blade
There is no old Orks
There is no substitute for victory
To die in battle is the hope of every Ork
When threatened fight
Revenge is best served with a side of pinkie
god serve Ork. If not, Ork kill god
When Ork happy, Ork kill. When Ork sad, Ork kll. Ork just kill
Ork is Ork’s tribe
The only skeletons in an Ork closet are literal skeletons
Nothing is beyond Ork reach
If my tribe die, It die with it teef in the enemy throat, It die with it putting fear in the enemy soul. It fulfilled Ork purpose, Born to fight Born to kill Born to die. For just as mere life not victory, Mere death not defeat; Afterlife beware, for Ork are coming And in the next world Ork shall kill a thousand foes, Laughing, Undefeated.