Ogre bear was found alone stranded in the Bay of Belfalus. He was picked up by Captain Rumbeard and his Wench Fangesta. Catain Rumbeard plucked him out of the sea and brought him aboared thier ship. Seeing that he was what appeared to be a full blood Orc, and that he had no memory of how he had gotten into the middle of the bay, they decided that he would live and be trained to fight for them. Little did they know that Ogre Bear was at the present an Orc but he had not always been that way.
Nowadays Ogre Bear has left Captain Rumbeards ship to learn more about who he was and what happend to him. Although it is not clear what he was doing in the Bay of Belfalus he has found his mother, Queen Brietta; a changeling, and she revealed to him that he is in fact half changeling. Brietta explained that Ogre Bear must have been gravely injured and when Captain Rumbeard pulled him from the bay he changed form as a defense mechanism. With this new found knowledge he began developing his powers. At the present moment he can not change his form, but he can project an aura of beauty to disguise himself. He has been know as a bit of a jokester and mimics certain individuals that he meets on his travelers.
Fighting Styles
Ogre Bear began training as a florentine fighter
when he bacame effective he moved to a sword and board style
Through his fighting career he found he enjoyed Red weapons most of all