Oakdick the Giant
Fighting Name: Oakdick the Giant (Giant)
Race: Hat Troll
Weapons of Choice: Sword and Beard, Short Spear, Flourentine
Unit: Horde (Feral under Kord)
Realm: Armored Penguins (Armored Waddle Flops)
Fighting Since: 2012
Events Attended:
Battle for the Ring V, VII, VIII
War of Wrath III, IV
Harvest Massacre VI
March of the Armored Penguins 1
Story Time
One bright, moony night, there were a-wandering three trolls, well hatted and full of wonder. One of these trolls was tall, the second was taller and the third was the giantest of them all. These three wandered together along beaches eating of a magical fungus that made everything shiny and magnificent. When it came time for these three to wander to the next place, the tallest (and most well hatted) of the three looked into the distance and saw many shinies. He followed them along the path until the path turned into giant bushes! But he didn't turn around because he know the shiny is just ahead! It grew much darker as they fought through these bushes until the Giant noticed that the bushes were filled with oak vines! The trolls were not amused by the silly games of the oak, their skin was much too strong for regular oak poison. The trolls continued on through the bushes until they couldn't go any more, then they forgot all about the shiny and went to sleep.
The next day, the trolls all laughed at the oak poison which, as they thought, had no effect on them... It wasn't for another week that the they discovered that the oak was not ordinarily poison, but had become something much stronger. The poison took a much stronger hold of the tallest than the other two. In a day his body had grown to twice its size, and his dangly bits puffed like balloons. For many days he was sealed away until his body returned to (mostly) normal size, but he vowed to never forget the day he was bested by a plant in his search for a shiny. From that day forth, he became Oakdick the Giant.