Note on the Origin of Monsters

From BelegarthWiki

By Shaman Ghanima

Origins of the Races

The original monsters of Belegarth/Dag (this was before the split) were the Southern orcs (Soo ma tai, Soong, Grim) from whom Izareth gained inspiration and established the goblins of Dur Demarian. As the idea of monsterdom within the sport spread, new races were established, notably the bugbears and the ogres. (Goblins, Ogres and Bugbears are often considered the first monster races in Belegarth proper. This noticeably neglects the orcs and I am unsure why. I think one issue was that the other three races were more prevalent in Belegarth, I have always thought of the original orks as more Dag than Belegarth, but this could just be a perception thing on my part. I want to make sure to mention them, because they were first, and are indirectly responsible for monsterdom as a whole, but their lore and characteristics do not cross ogres very much, and the modern Bel orks are going a different route. Alot of the lore that Kazi and I have created hints at real world playability aspects of the game, and hides hints at the real world history within the stories ie (Ogres, Bugbears, and Goblins being the first three prominent races etc)

Origins of the Lore

The exact origins of the original stories are not really known, but Ulvat the Beergarde is kind of universally credited with the creation of the lore with Goron (Arioch the Goatassisting. Ulvat as far as I know was the first full time Ogre, as all others in the Thoroganya tribe were ogres part time. Arioch and Beergarde were founding members of House Hellhammer and in the beginning all full time ogres were from Hellhammer and many other Hellhammer members would play ogres once a year at Oktoberfest. This was the origins of ogre nomadicism, and the origins of shamans “wandering” on their own. Basically during Octoberfest the Thorogonya Ogres would be migrating through, and there were often elaborate entrances performed, similar to the one that was done for fest 2015, and 2017. There would be packs of war goblins, and it was all very epic. These would herald their arrival. For awhile the Thorogonya Ogres were the only ogres of belegarth, so there was not much branching out or changing of the lore for quite awhile.

So I want to be very clear, that as an ogre you are part of something very old, and very special to the game. Ogres have never been a particularly large race, however Ogres have consistently been some of the best fighters, and had some of the best monster garb in the game. I also feel we also have some of the best names in the game too.