Norothfaewyn “Noro” Took
Norothfaewn or Noro (real name Enjolie Levengood; she/they/her/them/hers/theirs) is an Initiate of the Rangers of Ithilien of the realm of the Northern Steppes. Originally known as ‘’’Briony’’’ they are now known by the name Noro as they have left their Shire-self behind.
- Initiate of the Rangers of Ithilien
- ”Giant”
- Born: T.A. 3009
- Father: Unknown
- Mother: Pimpernel Took
- Uncle: Pippin Took
- Claire
- Rangers of Ithilien
- White Company
From the Journal of Briony Took
I am no delicate flower. Mother insists otherwise. But, in all seriousness, what fun is there in following her guidelines to, “Be like the other good hobbit children. Help with the farm and rebuilding. Settle down and get back to what hobbits do. Find a good partner and raise a family.” Blech. It’s like Mother has completely ignored and forgotten the Battle of Bywater, when Grandfather rallied all of Tookland against the ruffians that had taken over Hobbiton. Or the great quest of Uncle Pippin, Merry, Sam, and Frodo. Or the adventures of Bilbo (for those that believe him). You would think after having a string of hobbits go off and adventure and make names for themselves, Mother’s mindset might change. But no, good ol’ Pimpernel Took still wants me here, to help rebuild the shire, re-establish the Took clan. As if we don’t have enough Tooks already. I don’t see why I can’t help rebuild by going out and fighting. I proved myself during the Battle of Bywater. I shot arrows that slew the ruffians taking over Hobbiton. I chased after them when some got past the barriers we had made, with sword in hand, to stop them from running South. Because of my fighting, my help, my little cousins got to have one of the most bountiful springs in hobbit history. We have enough people here to rebuild. I want to get out there and stop the problem before it starts.
Curse my large family. I made it all but to the Prancing Pony before one my foolish older cousins, the bully that he is, dragged me back home. Put me right back to work on the farm. You can bet I collected wheat by practicing my sword work.
There’s quite a few regulars at the Prancing Pony. And after a bit of conversation, they’ve become my friends! They’ve told me of the great elven cities of Mirkwood, Rivendell, Falas. Of the Dwarven weapons and great city of Khazad-Dum. Of the rangers of Ithilien. And of Minas Tirith, where Uncle Pippin served. One day, I’ll go there and fight off the evil that still haunts this land.
Okay we have a plan. After many, many, too many I care to mention, attempts to leave Tookland, I have finally made a plan. I’ve packed a small bit of food, a dagger, my bow and arrows, and a small bedroll. Enough to fit into a small pack. My little cousin helped me come up with the idea. They love listening to the stories I pass on from the Prancing Pony. I’ve taught them some basic swordplay. They’re one of the only ones in my family that seems to understand my want to fight. Well, they don’t quite want to fight as much as I do, but I can see the sparkle of wanderlust in their eyes. Here's our plan. I’ll head out with my pack to the Prancing Pony. The first time, one of my cousins or aunts or uncles is bound to be suspicious and drag me back as usual. But when they see me at the Prancing Pony with my pack, they’ll find it’s full of writing materials. I’ll tell them all I’m recording the great stories of the past war—what better place to gather stories than pubs! So I’ll go on with this ruse for a bit of time. But each time, I’ll have also packed a piece needed for my travels. So one at a time, I can build up enough for a pack without making my family suspicious. One of the barkeeps is helping me, too. She’s taken a bit of pity on me, after having watched me fight and claw my way out of being dragged back to Tookland. (Although last time it took 3 of them, HA!) Anyways, once I have my pack built up, I’ll pretend to get drunk and need to stay at the Prancing Pony. Wouldn’t be the first time for that either. Nothing suspicious. Except I won’t be drunk at in the early morning, before the sun has risen but when all else are asleep, I’ll head west. The barkeep said there would be someone in Weathertop that she’s friends with to help me along the way.
It’s been so long since I’ve written, but so much has happened. Our plan worked. And I say our plan because little did I know, they stuck along and followed me. So I’ve been taking care of my little cousin, and we have grown as close as siblings. And we’ve met a Ranger. We are going to be travelling with them the rest of the way to Ithilien. This will probably be my last entry, as my life has become my dream…and I don’t have to write out my plans anymore.
Well, now I have some plans. I’ve been inducted into the Rangers officially. I’m a Nameless now, which is part of their induction. My new name is Norothfaewen, “Maiden of Giant Spirit.” Haha, they think they’re so funny, naming the smallest hobbit “Giant.” But you know what? It’s true. I have so much spirit and fight and passion for all that I do. And I want to carry that on in the future. I want to climb the ranks. Oh! I’m learning how to fight now! With an actual sword! I was using most of the Ranger’s equipment, but I made my first purchase and have a Greatsword (yes, it’s as tall as I am). I’m so good with it. And I get to brandish the tree of Gondor ! The leader of our unit let’s me use his shield (he usually holds it…but it covers my whole back, so I just strap it on). Eventually, one day, I’ll make my own back shield and have more of my own equipment…but for now, everyone is so kind and I’m slowly building up and getting hand-me-downs that I can hold my own in battle. Now to practice. I have my name trial soon (where I get to have my old name back or even pick a new one). You know what? I’ve left Briony behind. I’m still and always will be a Took…but I might end up keeping Noro. The giant. The fighter. I’m not that little hobbit who can’t even leave her hometown without being caught anymore. I’m that little hobbit that can kick your ass in a fight. And if I lose, I’m laughing the whole time.
I passed my name trial! Bubbles and I both kept our Ranger names! I had so many good fights, probably over 200. I grappled with people twice my size. Fought with weapons I never fought with before (daggers are so fun!). And I loved every minute of it. I much prefer smaller fights over big field battles. But most importantly, I have made so many friends of so many different races and backgrounds. I kept my name because the Rangers are more of a family to me that mine ever was. That’s not to say they didn’t treat me well! They did and I still love them! But, the Rangers let me be me. No, they celebrate me and push me to be more of my authentic self and to get better at those things I love. And that’s more than my family ever did.
- Arts and Sciences:
- Gathering of the Clans 2023 Champion of Costuming
- Name Trial, Olympics 2023
Events Attended
- Armageddon: 2023
- Gathering of the Clans: 2023
- Olympics: 2023
- War!: 2022
- Oktoberfest: 2022, 2023
- ”You’re a Child!’’ (Usually directed at Squire Berenor)
- ”Child!” (Also usually directed at Squire Berenor)
- ”Honey…no!” (Also, also usually directed at Squire Berenor)
- ”Look at my bruises!” (With excitement!)
- “Ow! Faelin, damn it!”
Made by Squire Berenor