The realm of Nargothrond [[1]] [[2]] was once a glorious underground fortress which was later sacked by the first of Dragons, Glaurung [[3]] and his army of Orcs. Covered by an ancient sea the lengendary stronghold was lost to the sands of time. Once again this savage land has been plunged into battle as a Western Uruk-Hai [[4]] traveled through the burnt landscape and settled the dark halls within the mountains. Here the rally of goblins, trolls, dark elves, orcs, and other foul creatures unite under one banner. Reclaiming lost heraldry this new force is rising, bent on domination or death.
The Hidden
Foz Bonecrusher; Orc Chieftain
Elin Coldblood; Goblin Princess Ravanger
Lippit Chudbane; Bugbear Grunt
Glooooooop Glop; Orgre Grunt
Hera Hearteater; Bandit Grunt
Bindlevoon Thundershot; Vagabond Grunt
We are a fledgling unit of Belegarth started on the cusp of 13th year, Second Millenium. Our group contains 12-15 fighters who practice biweekly in Carlsbad, NM. We are currently holding fighter practice Fridays 7pm across from the tennis courts near the beach. We are using the park area along the Pecos River and parking is available at the boat launch or at tennis courts.
- Tolkien, J. R. R. (1977), Christopher Tolkien, ed., The Silmarillion, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, p. 193, ISBN 0-395-25730-1