Monster Mash III

From BelegarthWiki

When: September 8-10, 2017
Where: Tosanak Recreation Area, Marble Rock, Iowa
Cost: $25 Pre-reg, $30 at Gate
Autocrats: Chiron of Frozen North
Attendance: 60-ish

A BelDag CrossGame event, Epic Level Party, and Quest Zone

Many kings have risen: Monster Kings, Hero Kings, and Kings who only want to see the world burn. Which will you follow? And who will triumph?

The people have spoken, and elected the following kings!

Midnight King: Ninnog
Dawn King: Argent
Beast King: Darvax
Party King: Braizen
Goblin King: Moxie

Feasts will be served on Friday and Saturday nights.
Side events will happen Friday and Saturday night, with THE GOBLIN WARS taking place ALL DAY SATURDAY.