Who is Mogis?
Fighting Name: Mogis
Full Name: Mogis, the Thunder Armed
Race: Bugbear
Weapon of Choice: Red Hammer
There once was a bugbear that traveled North to the mountains, no one knew why, not even herself. But off she went. At the foot of a great snowy mountain she saw a golden haired pinkie with a beautiful hammer. She liked that hammer, like REALLY LIKED that hammer like REALLY REALLY LIKED that hammer. So she rushed up to this pinkie and tried to beat the shit out of him. But this pinkie had magic, electric and thunder magic, SUCH BULLSHIT! However, this was not enough to defeat the bugbear. She beat him with a long and arduous struggle. However, when she tried to take the weapon that she had fought so hard for, she couldn’t lift it. She struggled for several minutes to take the weapon but couldn’t. In the end she got frustrated and in retribution she mated with the hammer. From this union between Mjolnir and this Bugbear came Mogis. Mogis was more than just a Bugbear for upon his birth Marjack blessed his right arm by stealing some of the power from Mjolnir giving his swings the strength and power of thunder and lightning.