Manoa Constitution

From BelegarthWiki

Article I: Name

Section 1: Manoa Medieval Combat Club

Article II: Purpose

Section 1: Manoa Medieval Combat Club (hereafter referred to as Manoa MCC) is an athletic martial sports group, with the goal of providing an alternative method to practicing martial arts. As a flexible combat sport, we support various styles of "medieval" combat, such as European, Asian, and Native combat styles and arts. The group was founded with the intent to bring "boffering," a national sport, to Hawaii.

Section 2: Manoa MCC will abide by all University of Hawaii policies, including, but not limited to, non-discrimination policies, relationships with third parties, and use of the University's Name & Symbols, in additional to all other policies included in the RIO application, and other rules that Student Organizations are required to follow.

Article III: Membership

Section 1: Manoa MCC is an open club. As such, we do not discriminate against anyone, including, but not limited to, all groups found in the RIO application, listed on the University of Hawaii at Manoa's website, and those specifically mentioned by the US Government.

Section 2: Members are defined as someone who attends at least THREE hours of practice in a month.

Section 3: All members are voting members. Members may raise and second issues for votes. Voting rights will be gained the month following completion of the membership requirements.

Section 4: If a month of practice is missed, membership will be suspended until the requirements have been met again. Membership may be suspended and/or attendance banned by the President or Head Marshal in cases of safety violations. A member may be reinstated (from a safety ban) by the President or a 2/3rds majority of club membership.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1: There are three primary officers, with up to three additional officers, which can be appointed by the President if need be. The three primary officers are the President, the Weapons Checker, and the Head Marshal. The three supplementary officers are the Vice- President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. It is allowed for a primary officer to also hold a supplementary officer position simultaneously. If not all the primary officer positions are filled, those responsibilities will fall to the President.

Section 2: All members are eligible for officer positions. They must be a member when the voting period occurs, or when an officer steps down and an election for a replacement occurs.

Section 3: Duties & Responsibilities:

Primary Officers:

President: Organizes and runs meetings and practices. Is the official correspondent for the club, unless delegated to another officer. Has the authority to remove members from practice for safety violations. Also has the same authority and powers as the Weapon Checker and Head Marshal. The President is also responsible for filling out the RIO forms for the following following school year.
Weapon Checker: Checks the safety of equipment on the field as needed, and may disallow or ban equipment from use. Has final say on the safety and legality of any piece of equipment. Equipment ideally should be checked every practice, but at a minimum must be checked once a month.
Head Marshal: Enforces safety and the rules on the field. May call shots against a fighter if needed, and may remove a fighter from a fight to cool down, and/or remove him temporarily or permanently from practice in cases of serious safety violations. The Head Marshal has final say on all rule disputes, with disagreements brought up later, at an appropriate time.

Supplementary Officers:

Vice-President: Takes the place of the president when needed (absence of the President, for example), and may act with the authority of the President, though may not make permanent and/ or long term binding decisions, unless previously arranged with the President (and such authority should be given in writing, if there could be an issue of doubt).
Secretary: Keeps records and organizes. Performs many of the President's logistical duties, such as keeping attendance rosters, meeting minutes (if needed), and other duties as needed.
Treasurer: In cases of club funding, the treasurer will handle all funds, keeping detailed records of income/expenses, which may be viewed by any member with adequate notice.

Section 4: An officer's term will be for one calendar school year, or until he or she steps down. Elections for the following school year will take place in mid April, with the new officers job shadowing the old (as needed). The new officers will take control at the beginning of Fall Semester.

Section 5: A 2/3 majority vote (rounding up) of members can remove an officer from office. All members must be made aware (if at all possible) and have the opportunity to participate in the vote.

Section 6: In the event of an officer stepping down (or being removed), a new election will take place as soon as conveniently possible, to fill the empty role. All members are eligible for a newly empty position.

Article V: Votes & Elections

Section 1: Nomination - any member may nominate or raise an issue for vote. Another member is needed to second a nomination or issue for vote. These must be different members.

Section 2: A vote which has been raised and seconded will take place either immediately, or as soon as is reasonable. In the case of permanent or major club wide binding decisions, the entire membership must be notified (to a reasonable extent), and a reasonable date set which gives membership the opportunity to participate (normally 1-2 weeks notice).

Section 3: All votes, unless otherwise noted, will be by majority. The membership may veto the actions of an officer by 2/3rds majority, except in cases of safety issues.

Section 4: Minor disputes between members will be handled by the ancient ritual of Rock, Paper, Scissors (or martial combat, whichever is more convenient and acceptable to the involved members).

Section 5: Changes to the Rules of Combat require a 2/3 majority of members.

Section 6: Amendments & Changes/Revisions to the Constitution require a 3/4 majority.

Article VI: Practice & Meetings

Section 1: Time & Place - practices will be held as often as the membership likes, though ideally at least once a week, and with a minimum of one practice a month. A regular time and place will be set for scheduled practices, with pickup practices organized by the membership. Non- combat organizational meetings will be organized as needed.