Magdrin Silverstone

From BelegarthWiki

Fighting Name: Magdrin Silverstone

Real Name: Matt Doser

Race: Gnome

Realm: Abraxas

Realm Rank: Warlord

Fighting Style: Red Sword, Bow and Arrow, Glaive

Started Fighting: 2006

Events Attended:

Wolfpack Opener 07,19

Ocktoberfest 07,18

Character Lore A traveler from an unknown world, Magdrin is searching for the means to power a spell that could potentially return him home. While on this journey, he has allied himself with the Warrior Lodge of Abraxas.

How I started Fighting

I got my start through my friend Geo, aka Shyfter. I called the realm of Muxlovia home for a time, and then drifted to Nightfort and finally settled with Abraxas.