Kojiro Bearjew

From BelegarthWiki

Kojiro Bearjew

Race- Half Orc
Realm- Southern Marches
Duchy- The Crimson Fields
Unit- The Flying Circus
Rank- Performer
Started- August '09
Fighting Style- Yes . . . Oh and being an asshole.


Kojiro Bearjew was born in Israel to his human mother and his orc father. Kojiro was not his name by birth and to this day he has yet to tell a sole his Hebrew name and claims to have long since forgotten it. Orphaned at a young age he took to the life of a adventurer. He had no formal training in battle and was armed with nothing more than brute force and rage. Kojiro's travels took him through Europe and all of Asia. On the coast of China he met a ship captain by the name of Hun Lee. Lee was an exceptional type of bastard the likes of which had no place to be in existence with the rest of the civilized world. In other words a pirate, and Kojiro's favorite type of scoundrel. He set sail with Lee a for few years. Their drunken exploits are that of legend even today. The name of the crew was Bastards on a Boat, A.K.A, BOAB. BOAB did not have many friends on the sea, most pirates would considered them to be too uncivilized. Though there was one ship who's crew found BOAB to be excellent company. The name of their ship was The Salty Sea Bitch. It was there Kojiro met Lachlan and Liam McLung.
After 3 years of sailing with Lee and the rest of BOAB, Kojiro felt it was time to move on and made his way into Japan. One day while walking through a forest he heard fighting on the path ahead. He readied himself for battle and made his way to the path to find a Samurai with two short blades fighting 3 men dressed in all black. The samurai held off their attacks for a few minutes when a man sitting under a tree, whose presence Kojiro had so far not noticed, spoke up and said, "You're soft!" The samurai's face then turned a deep shade of red. The ground shook as a horrifying battle cry came out of the samurai's mouth. He then proceeded in killing these men in deeply deranged fashion. The man under the tree slowly got up and started looting the dead men. Kojiro tried to hide, praying the men would move on. Thats when he heard the man that was sitting under the tree say, "Ha ha that guy in the woods thinks we're gonna kill him." The samurai then Said, "I was thinking about it." They then laughed it off and started walking down the path. Kojiro started following them. He later came to know the samurai as Rutu, and the the man under the tree as Nomad. That is when Kojiro received his first formal training and later became a high ranking member of The Flying Circus.