Knight of Legend

From BelegarthWiki

Knight of Legend

Granted by Legend Larp [1]

It can be granted for achieving masterhood in one noble order, membership in a path set, or membership in one from each path.

Path of Combat - Order of the Dragon (Martial Prowess) - Order of the Griffon (Chivalry & Honor) - Order of the Hawk (Archery Prowess)

Path of Service - Order of the Crown (Service through nobility) - Order of the Lion (Service through leadership) - Order of the Boar (Service through donation)

Path of Skill - Order of the Scale (Excellence in marshalling) - Order of the Mask (Excellence in role-play) - Order of the Unicorn (Excellence in arts & sciences)

Although Legend doesn't have a formal agreement with Belegarth, a few of its Hampton Roads players founded Realm of Storm's Haven in 2018.