Juggernaut (ofHGofB)

From BelegarthWiki


Realm: Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Started Fighting: Summer of 2008.

Favorite Weapons: All my weapons went to pieces so I'm trying to work up some money to buy somthing off Edhellen...Like...A claymore

Quote: Out of my way small fry, I have more important matters to attend to.

Location: You will hear me beore you see me...

Occupation: Bodyguard for hire.

Interests: A good fight.

History/Real life

  • Started fighting after Belegarth and Boffing met at the same school (Helman). Decided Belegarth looked cool and would like to try it.
  • Earned fight name because of weapon choices.
  • I tend to specilize in taking out either people who use florentien or Reds.
  • I enjoy fighting enemies that are better than I am...It gives me somthing to work towards, a goal to achieve.