House of the Cornovii
The Cornovii were an early pastoral people whom, during Roman occupation of Britain in the 4th and 5th centuries played an integral role in Rome's dominance, garrisoning
the eastern terminus of Hadrian's wall. The Cornovii are first mentioned by Plolemy in the 2nd century A.D. but otherwise the origin of tghe trive is unknown. The Cohors Primae Cornoriorum is the only recorded native British unit to serve Britonia. After Roman occupation in Britain, the Cornovii became lost to history through Anglo-Saxon pressure but vestigal cluesto their influence survive today, most notably through the modern city of Cornwall, who's name is likely derived from these people.
Our Cornovii are dissimiliar from history's insomuch that only through name and
duty are we linked. The name Cornovii is Latin for "the people of the horn" From the history, personality and conveniences of our home, the lands of Winterbourne, Ebonhold has adopted the symbolism of the horn in multiple forms. Of these, the drinking horn, the horn of battle and the horn as symbol or war all have been used periodically to visually identify us as a cohesive group. But even more so we have often adopted animistic symbolism in the goat and bull, to personify our great house in demeanor, duty and humor. We wear these symbols to respect and pay tribute to our origins, to recognize and remember our duty and to pay homage to the lands of Winterbourne and our eternal home, Ebonhold. For this we are the people of the horn, the people of Winterbourne, the people of Ebonhold. Vivat Cornoviorum!
Viroconium Cornoviorum
The Cornovii are less of a cohesive unit in the tradition Belegarth sense and more
of a household bound to the greater needs of our realm. The Cornovii never take field for their own honor, but instead for the honor of Ebonhold as an internal military lance. As a goal, we form the backbone of the military might of those who wish to respect our home and our people above ourselves.
In addition to this, we make it our duty to influence our sport towards progress. Most
notably through teaching newer members of Ebonhold military matters, but more importantly to take pride in our organization as a whole and embrace the subtler aspects of it including quality portrayal, and fariness of play.
As a rule, we wear no markings, colors or sashes to designate us as a cohesive unit beyond
symbols synonymous with our home. Instead the level to which we hold ourselve (in appearance and otherwise) grants us cohesiveness.
Rex Cornovii
The extent to which we devote our loyalty to our home is most evident in our leadership. Our
commander, king, and seat of authority is none other than the current rex of Ebonhold. We assume our authority through them and appropriatly enough owe our fealty to their thrones. As such, we consider the reigning monarch not only one of us, but as our Primae Cornoviorum or Rex Cornovii
Cohors Primae Cornoviorum
"The first Cohort of the Cornovii", the leadership and miloitary core to which inspires the
core of the Ebonhold list. We are the Highland Knights of Ebonhold and veterans of Ebonhold that pull the creative weight of the house. An inner circle of peers, who our bound closely to duty.
-We openly invite others to join our ranks through apprenticeship, though the road is ardous.
"The Cornovii", the man at arms the Primae, a group selected from the populuce that due to
their skill, devotion or desire to excel. The future Cohors Primae Cornoviorum.