Heralding Call Levels System

From BelegarthWiki

Created by Squire Nea for their Heralding Training Resources Capstone project.

Last edited 9/14/2023

This document and these calls aim to create examples and language for training purposes. Ideally, this language will be universal across all heralds, old and new, but that’s wishful thinking. Using this system gives examples and references to new heralds about the expectations for the different kinds of calls they’ll be expected to make. While this was initially developed for tournaments, I believe it could be translated to the field heraldings.

Green calls - typical calls found in a tournament, like reminding people to show their damage or stepping out of bounds.

  • These calls don’t need to be communicated to the heralding staff or the tournament head, but they happen.
  • If someone has an adverse reaction to you making a standard call, you should elevate the severity of the call status.

Yellow calls - these calls are more complex and require multiple angles to get a complete picture of what’s happened. This category also includes green calls where the fighter has a bad reaction to the call, and the call has to be reinforced by the rest of the heralding team in your pit, but the response hasn’t caused such a scene that slows down the tournament flow.

  • These calls should be communicated to the heralding staff in your pit.
  • Often, these calls will result in a discussion between you and the other heralds to ensure everyone is clear on the situation.
  • If you think someone’s reaction to a call will bleed over to their next fight, you should elevate the severity of the call.

Red calls—these are calls that will significantly slow down the flow of the tournament. This category also includes yellow calls in which the fighter has a severe reaction that you think will transfer to their next fight.

  • At the end of each round, the tournament head should always be informed about these kinds of calls, and it’s the tournament head's responsibility to tell other heralding teams if they need the information.
  • If you think the tournament head needs to be informed about the issue before the end of the round, then this is considered a black call.

Black calls—These calls require an immediate announcement to everyone watching and participating in the tournament once the issue has been resolved.

  • This includes someone being DQ from a tournament or clarifying a rule.
  • The tournament head should make the announcement.

Link to google document that can be downloaded and printed: Heralding Call Levels

Link to main page Herald Training Resources