Hardening leather

From BelegarthWiki

Soak your leather in very hot water, not boiling, but hot enough you can barely stand to to put fingers in it (I will use a scrap piece of leather for test, just to make sure it's not too hot & "cook" the leather), let it soak 20-30 minutes (the water will look like tea). Be sure to use vegetable tanned leather, not chemical or chromium tanned. After forming & drying at least 24 hours; bake at less than 200 degrees until thoroughly warmed. While baking melt wax in a double boiler or very low heat (the ancients used beeswax, but parafin is cheaper & easier to find). Apply the wax generously all over, inside & out for maximum hardness & strength (however, this will darken most colors, so keep that in mind; just doing the outside will do in most cases). If necessary put back int the oven until all wax is absorbed. Let cool, prepare for battle!