Garnet the Earth Elemental
Garnet is a gem-type Earth Elemental that currently resides in the Kingdom of Rath.
Fighting Name: Garnet
Race: Earth Elemental
Unit: None - but is founding wayfinder of Fortune's Path Unitless Camp
Houses: None
Realm: Rath (Boise, ID)
Fighting since: 2019
- Co-author of How to Create a New Race

Garnet is an Earth Elemental discovered deep in the volcanic flood plains of the Kingdom of Rath by Sir Rem_DeLavan.
Like most elementals, her origins are shrouded in mystery. Garnet currently remembers nothing except for emerging from the ground fully conscious one day. It is unknown at this time what caused Garnet to become aware and sentient.
As she knew nothing about the world and was curious to learn, she agreed to follow Sir Rem back to the main citidel within Rath to begin her study.
She found the main concern of the citizens of Rath seemed to be the arts of making war, perfecting battle prowess, and fighting for various causes. She decided that archery looked like the most fun (especially as she could make her own garnet arrowheads) and went to work learning the art of archery. She made some progress and was able to take 5th place in the Archery Tournament at Chaos Wars 2019.
She also found that the vast majority of Rath's citizens belonged to Units... a strange confederation she did not quite understand. These units tended to camp together during large battles and provide shelter and camaraderie to their members (which seemed fun), but often had certain requirements to join (which seemed not so fun).
Wandering from town to town and battle to battle, Garnet became aware of the term "the path of fortune" - this is the nickname she heard given by traveling Belegrim the world over to the "one road" that connects all realms of Belegarth together.
As she wandered, learning as much as she could about this strange world along the way, she saw many travelers on this path... and she also saw that although most Belegrim were part of a Unit, there were still many who, like her, had no shelter from storms and no friends to laugh with through the journey.
As Garnet was a newly-awakened Earth Elemental with no unit mates, she decided that what the world needed was a camp for people like herself and other Unitless travelers.
This way, people who were new and had not yet joined any unit, or who had just left a unit, or did not care to join a unit would always have a place to camp during large battles that offers the shelter and camaraderie of a unit, without the often frustrating or isolating restrictions and requirements inherent in joining or camping with organized units.
She decided that she would found a "Fortune's Path" camp at any battle she attended and attempt to get other travelers involved in getting branches of this same camp set up at battles she was not able to attend as well.
Garnet set up the first Fortune's Path camp at the Battle of Twald 2019, and the second at Battle for the Ring 2020, and intends to create Fortune's path outposts at both Western Wars 2020 and Chaos Wars 2020. She hopes that soon all unitless Belegrim will know they will always have a home at the Fortune's Path camp at any event and that in time she will see the Fortune's Path banner flying at every major battle.
(Contact Garnet on the Book of Faces if you would like a Fortune's Path Unitless Camp outpost at your event or an event you are attending!)