
From BelegarthWiki

Gàmhain MacCoinneach

Race: Human
Realm: Acheron
Units: Clan Germania
Rank: N/A
Titles: Drunken Bard, t'Amhrán na Gearmáine


Originally from the Tartarus Invictus realm of Dagorhir, Gàmhain moved to Ered Duath in the spring of 2010. An unapologetic medievalist, and practitioner of the Bardic Arts, Gàmhain has worked toward higher garb standards, and the encouragement of Bardic Contests at events.

Fighting Style

Sword and Board
Poorly-wielded Red
Drunken Flailing

Events attended

Chaos Wars 16,17

Yestare 10, 11, 12

War of Reckoning 3, 4

War of the Forbidding '11, '13

Ragnarok 24

Gates of Fire '09

Badon Hill '09