
From BelegarthWiki

About Me

Real name: Sean Fugh

Persona name: Fug

Realm: Khatovar

Unit: None

Fighting Style: Sword/Board. I have been known to rock some ball and wall from time to time, when needed.

How many years have you been fighting?: I have been fighting foam for about 7 years. I have been in Dag/Bel for 3 years.

Age: 23

How did you hear about Dagorhir/Belegarth?

Originally I had started out playing a LARP called OGRE (Ohio Graphic Roleplaying Enterprise). I met many people that had been playing Dagorhir/Belegarth for a long time. Many of them from Brotherhood of the Falcon. They convinced me to try out dagorhir, and I have been attached since.