Field Marshal/Herald Test
Field Marshal/Herald Test 4.0
This test was created for Dur-Demerion by Squire Nea during their tenure as Head Marshal (2020-2022). Dur-D is a Belegarth realm, so the answers are based on the Belegarth rule set, and therefore, those playing other foam sports should create an answer key based on their sport.
Updated: July 7, 2023
1. What is the primary duty of a Field Marshal/Herald?
2. Who is the current Head Marshal/Herald at your field?
3. Who makes hit determinations?
4. Fighter 1 throws a javelin at Fighter 2. Fighter 2 knocks the javelin out of the air using a red weapon. The javelin spins around, giving Fighter 3 a bloody nose. What does the Marshal do in this situation?
5. Fighter 1 is having great fun with his red. Fighter 1 runs up behind Fighter 2, who is wearing armor, and hits Fighter 2 in the back because Fighter 2’s field awareness is sucking today. Fighter 1 then runs merrily along, continuing to battle. Later in the battle, Fighter 1 is angered to see Fighter 2 is still alive and immediately reports Fighter 2 for cheating. As the Marshal, what questions do you ask, and how do you resolve this issue?
6. As a Marshal, how should you treat unintentional illegal acts that recur frequently?
7. Why should a player never knock an arrow out of the air with a weapon?
8. What should a Marshal/Herald do if a weapon breaks on the field?
9. What is a soft edge? What is a hard edge?
10. What is the half-draw distance for projectiles?
11. How should a Marshal communicate with fighters on the field?
12. What should you do if you don’t know the answer to a question you’ve been asked?
Link to google document that can be downloaded and printed: Field Marshal Test
Link to google document that can be downloaded and printed: Field Marshal Test Key
Link to main page Herald Training Resources