Electrical Tape

From BelegarthWiki

Electrical Tape or e-tape is a somewhat stretchy, durable vinyl or plastic tape typically used in electrical applications. It is usually black, though it is available in other colors as well. It is occationally used as a substitute both for Duct Tape and Cloth Tape, due to the attractive appearance it can have and it's extremely low cost compared to all other tapes. It is also waterproof.

Like duct tape, electrical tape should never be used on the striking surface of a weapon or it will become too slappy. Additionally, electrical tape on hafts in particular should be regularly examined for maintenance - electrical tape can become sharp and stiff with age, and upturned edges on haft padding can quickly become uncomfortably sharp and even cause a weapon to fail. Relatedly, cloth tape is a far superior choice for covering certain types of haft padding which are most likely to come into contact with other fighters - particularly javelin hafts and dingleberries.