
From BelegarthWiki

Fighting since: 2002

Realm: Ebonhold

Real Name: Adam Bybee

Unit: Clan of the Red Birdie

Random Facts about Durron

Very few people know him as Durron, most people know him as Pink, The Pink or Pinky

Has only one testicle

Likes Mint, chocolate chip ice-cream

Can yell and vomit at the same time

Once projectile vomitted over 7 feet and got a bloody nose doing it

Has a dog named Clubber Langg

Is into Inter-species Erotica

Big fan of the Care Bears

Has a picture of Lance Bass tatooed on his ass

He once took 7 men, the hard way

Can gargle the alphabeth with Nyquil

Has icky skin

and totaly made a fighting last name, Durron Kampfer

Also See


Bitch hips

Giver of finger 'F'