Dur-Demarion Opener

From BelegarthWiki

Date: Sunday April 23rd, 2006
Time: 12:00 - dark
Place: Elmington Park, Nashville, TN [Click here for map]
Cost: Free!

The All-Day Fighting Finale to the big Dur-Demarion Opener Weekend Party:

  • APRIL 21 - 23, 2006: Dur-Demarion Opener Weekend Party = BIG WEEKEND in Nashville, ALL REALMS WELCOME! - ask for the time off now, it will be well worth the trip!!

3 Days Packed with Fighting, Partying, Debauchery, Shame, Remorse, Hot Action, and more Fighting!
- Friday: Nashville Katz Arena Football Halftime Demonstration
- Saturday: Not for the timid, yet another legendary Avondale party. And yes, we will have the stripper pole up. =)
- Sunday: Hard fighting in the Dur-De South at the Dur-Demarion Opener

From Vokor's Upcoming Events post:
Well As spring Fast comes toward up The Dur-Demarion Opener will be the Sunday After Easter. This will start at 12:00 and run untill dark There is rumor that the EBF might come out and fight ( if it is warm) There was also talk of the lords of Avondale holding a gathering If you have not been to Avondale ask some one what you have missed!! We will have Games, prizes, and food This is a no cost event If you have any questions please PM me or Koom Yea Onyx I just called you out to come and fight