Drunken Howler Monkey
( Pissea Drunkium)
Someone, often a first eventer, who has consumed way too much alcohol. They will make stupid decisions and yell ridiculous statements into the night.
Drunken Howler Monkeys will lay dormant in their hosts bodies until nightfall. No DHM has ever been spotted during the day, so it is believed that they are allergic to the sun. The DHM telepathically calls out to multiple victims carrying certain elixirs. They have then been sucked in and unwillingly perform the releasing ceremony. Once released, the DHM takes control of all motor functions, but since it’s not used to the control, the speech will be slurred and the reaction time is delayed.
Upon your first encounter you will be horrified by its stupidity, but feel compelled to keep it from hurting its host. So, in order to protect them, you need to be able to spot them. Here are a few signs:
- Inability to stand for any period of time
- Loud slurred speech
- Ludicrous claims of grandeur
- Talking in the third person
- Challenging Vo'Kor to a match of Mongolian Wrestling
- Repetitive urinating in a certain spot and proclaiming “ THIS IS (their name)S SPOT! IT BELONGS TO (their name)!”
- Within twenty feet of Graavish
The Releasing Ceremony
First, the incantation-
DHM Host: Whatchya’ got there?
Victim: Here, have some!
Then, the Victim presents their elixir to the DHM Host. The host then drinks.
DHM Host: Wow, that’s pretty tasty! What's in it?
Victim: Ah ah ah, take two for asking…
The DHM will now make a few more psychic attacks until it gains enough strength to break through the cerebral lining and hijack it’s hosts motor functions, wreaking havoc upon the nightlife.