Das Bear
Title: Master Gunner of The Cerberus
Other Titles: Mauler of innocents, Bane of Salmon, Lover of Mead
Race: Bear
Realm: Galahad
Unit: The Cerberus
Weapons of Choice: Sword and Board, Longsword, Gaping Maw and Bear Claws
Fighting Since: 2013
Events Attended: Wolfpack Opener 2013
As the smoke clears from the opening salvo, there stands a shadow the height of a man and a half. Claws tear through the wisps of gunpowder and a crewman. IT’S A MUTHAFOKEN BEAR! How a bear boarded the ship is a secondary question to whether you would like to be eaten by sharks or a bear because those are the only two ways this ends.
When Das Bear is not executing a boarding action via cannon fire, he is the Master Gunner of The Cerberus, which hails from Galahad. The comedy of a bear serving under a dog’s name is not lost on him…he is like soooo much bigger than a dog with three heads, but the Captain of the Cerberus was the only one crazy enough to let a bear serve on a ship, let alone in a position of rank. This means he gets to eat more things, which he enjoys very much.
Speaking of things Das Bear revels in, he also enjoys salmon, long naps, and the thick sensual sensation of honey running through his fur. Should you find him in his small-affordable-yet-cozy-and-chic cave in The Iron Forest, you will discover him contemplating Descartes over a breakfast of gopher and tea (usually mint). Das Bear appreciates the small things, then again, to a bear most things are small. Or, should a fateful night befall you at a tavern, Das Bear prefers long legs and chocolate syrup, neither exclusively nor in that order. Fur can be used as safety handles in particular situations. If you shout Winnie’s name, you will be eaten. No exceptions