Dareth Felle
Fighter Information

Name: Dareth Felle
Actual Name: Elias Thury
Gender: Male
Realm: Southern Eyrie
Status: Vice-President
Primary Fighting Style: Florentine (Dual Falchoins)
Fighting Since: October 2014
Hails From: Oskaloosa, IA
Other Information
Events Attended
- Dareth has yet to attend an event. Nicknamed "Ditch" by the rest of the SEB leadership for letting silly work requirements prevent him from attending the Eriador Halloween Event.
Weapon Lore
Dareth's first weapon is a Falchion named Novilunio, which means new moon. It is a fairly light, forward balanced weapon that has a fairly short handle. Tramonto is Dareth's second Falchion. The name means "sunset." It is a blade that is slim and evenly balanced, with a reach rarely seen among blue weapons; perfect for reaching out and touching someone. Dareth is currently forging a matched blade to Tramonto, which will be named Alba, or sunset. Together, Tramonto and Alba (sunrise and sunset) is surely a presence to be reckoned with on the field of battle.
All of Dareth's blade names originated from Italian.